On 04/20/2013 05:10 AM, 李强 wrote:
I have ERROR and Please help me ,thanks

sounds similar to:
Bug 918742 - Ovirt 3.2 all in one problem install in Fedora 18

to workaround and just get the engine installed (without the all-in-one first), please reply 'no' to the this question:
Configure VDSM on this host? ['yes'| 'no']  [yes]

then please try to collaborate with sandro on the bug to resolve the issue.


The first Upgrade is SUCCESS.
Please look the info.

But engine-set is ERROR.
AIO: Adding Local Datacenter and cluster...                    [ ERROR ]
Error: could not create ovirtsdk API object
Please check log file
/var/log/ovirt-engine/engine-setup_2013_04_19_21_46_58.log for more

[root@engine noarch]# rpm -Uvh *.rpm
Preparing...                          #################################
Updating / installing...
[  3%]
[  7%]
[ 10%]
[ 14%]
[ 17%]
[ 21%]
[ 24%]
/etc/firewalld/services/ovirt.xml created as
################################# [ 28%]
[ 31%]
[ 34%]
[ 38%]
[ 41%]
[ 45%]
[ 48%]
Cleaning up / removing...
[ 52%]
   16:ovirt-engine-config-3.2.0-4.fc18 #################################
[ 55%]
[ 59%]
[ 62%]
[ 66%]
[ 69%]
[ 72%]
   22:ovirt-engine-setup-3.2.0-4.fc18  #################################
[ 76%]
[ 79%]
[ 83%]
   25:ovirt-engine-3.2.0-4.fc18        warning:
/etc/sysconfig/ovirt-engine saved as /etc/sysconfig/ovirt-engine.rpmsave
################################# [ 86%]
[ 90%]
   27:ovirt-iso-uploader-3.2.0-1.fc18  #################################
[ 93%]
   28:ovirt-log-collector-3.2.0-1.fc18 #################################
[ 97%]
   29:ovirt-engine-sdk-  #################################

[root@engine ~]# engine-setup
Welcome to oVirt Engine setup utility

WARNING: oVirt Engine setup has already been run on this host.
To remove all configuration and reset oVirt Engine please run
Please be advised that executing engine-setup without cleanup is not
Would you like to proceed? (yes|no): yes

In order to proceed the installer must stop the ovirt-engine service
Would you like to stop the ovirt-engine service? (yes|no): yes
  oVirt Engine uses httpd to proxy requests to the application server.
It looks like the httpd installed locally is being actively used.
The installer can override current configuration .
Alternatively you can use JBoss directly (on ports higher than 1024)
Do you wish to override current httpd configuration and restart the
service? ['yes'| 'no']  [yes] :
HTTP Port  [80] :
HTTPS Port  [443] :
Setup can configure server default page to launch oVirt Engine. Do you
wish to do so? ['yes'| 'no']  [yes] :
Host fully qualified domain name. Note: this name should be fully
resolvable  [engine.startn.com <http://engine.startn.com>] :
The IP does not hold a PTR record for the FQDN:
engine.startn.com <http://engine.startn.com>
User input failed validation, do you still wish to use it? (yes|no): yes
Enter a password for an internal oVirt Engine administrator user
(admin@internal) :
Warning: Weak Password.
Confirm password :
Organization Name for the Certificate  [startn.com <http://startn.com>] :
The engine can be configured to present the UI in three different
application modes. virt [Manage virtualization only], gluster [Manage
gluster storage only], and both [Manage virtualization as well as
gluster storage] ['virt'| 'gluster'| 'both']  [both] :
The default storage type you will be using  ['NFS'| 'FC'| 'ISCSI'|
Enter DB type for installation ['remote'| 'local']  [local] :
Enter a password for a local oVirt Engine DB admin user (engine) :
Warning: Weak Password.
Confirm password :
Local ISO domain path  [/var/lib/exports/iso_2013_04_19_21_46_58] :
Firewall ports need to be opened.
The installer can configure firewall automatically overriding the
current configuration. The old configuration will be backed up.
Alternately you can configure the firewall later using an example file
selecting None.
Which firewall manager do you wish to use? ['None'| 'Firewalld'|
'iptables']: None
Configure VDSM on this host? ['yes'| 'no']  [yes] :
Local storage domain path  [/var/lib/images_2013_04_19_21_46_58] :
Confirm root password :

oVirt Engine will be installed using the following configuration:
override-httpd-config:         yes
http-port:                     80
https-port:                    443
override-httpd-root:           yes
host-fqdn: engine.startn.com <http://engine.startn.com>
auth-pass:                     ********
org-name: startn.com <http://startn.com>
application-mode:              both
default-dc-type:               NFS
db-remote-install:             local
db-local-pass:                 ********
nfs-mp:                        /var/lib/exports/iso_2013_04_19_21_46_58
firewall-manager:              None
config-allinone:               yes
storage-path:                  /var/lib/images_2013_04_19_21_46_58
superuser-pass:                ********
Proceed with the configuration listed above? (yes|no): yes

AIO: Validating CPU Compatibility...                              [ DONE ]
AIO: Adding firewall rules...                                     [ DONE ]
Configuring oVirt Engine...                                       [ DONE ]
Configuring JVM...                                                [ DONE ]
Creating CA...                                                    [ DONE ]
Updating ovirt-engine service...                                  [ DONE ]
Setting Database Configuration...                                 [ DONE ]
Setting Database Security...                                      [ DONE ]
Upgrading Database Schema...                                      [ DONE ]
Editing oVirt Engine Configuration...                             [ DONE ]
Editing Postgresql Configuration...                               [ DONE ]
Configuring the Default ISO Domain...                             [ DONE ]
Configuring Firewall...                                           [ DONE ]
Starting ovirt-engine Service...                                  [ DONE ]
Configuring HTTPD...                                              [ DONE ]
AIO: Creating storage directory...                                [ DONE ]
AIO: Adding Local Datacenter and cluster...                    [ ERROR ]
Error: could not create ovirtsdk API object
Please check log file
/var/log/ovirt-engine/engine-setup_2013_04_19_21_46_58.log for more

cat /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine-setup_2013_04_19_21_46_58.log

2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::495::root:: stderr =
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::496::root:: retcode = 0
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::setup_sequences::59::root:: running
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::456::root:: Executing command
--> 'chown -Rh ovirt:ovirt /var/lib/ovirt-engine/deployments' in working
directory '/root'
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::494::root:: output =
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::495::root:: stderr =
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::496::root:: retcode = 0
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::setup_sequences::59::root:: running _startEngine
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::engine-setup::1787::root:: using chkconfig
to enable engine to load on system startup.
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::456::root:: Executing command
--> '/sbin/chkconfig ovirt-engine on' in working directory '/root'
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::494::root:: output =
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::495::root:: stderr = Note:
Forwarding request to 'systemctl enable ovirt-engine.service'.

2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::496::root:: retcode = 0
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::1285::root:: stopping ovirt-engine
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::1322::root:: executing action
ovirt-engine on service stop
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::456::root:: Executing command
--> '/sbin/service ovirt-engine stop' in working directory '/root'
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::494::root:: output =
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::495::root:: stderr =
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop  ovirt-engine.service

2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::496::root:: retcode = 0
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::1275::root:: starting ovirt-engine
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::1322::root:: executing action
ovirt-engine on service start
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::456::root:: Executing command
--> '/sbin/service ovirt-engine start' in working directory '/root'
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::494::root:: output =
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::495::root:: stderr =
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start  ovirt-engine.service

2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::496::root:: retcode = 0
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::setup_sequences::59::root:: running
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::engine-setup::742::root:: Enable
httpd_can_network_connect boolean
2013-04-19 21:48:39::DEBUG::common_utils::456::root:: Executing command
--> '/usr/sbin/semanage boolean --modify --on httpd_can_network_connect'
in working directory '/root'
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::494::root:: output =
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::495::root:: stderr =
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::496::root:: retcode = 0
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::setup_sequences::59::root:: running
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::728::root:: Backup old httpd
configuration files
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::732::root:: Backing up
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf into
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::729::root:: successfully
copied file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf to target destination
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::737::root:: setting file
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.BACKUP.2013_04_19_21_48_52 uid/gid ownership
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::740::root:: setting file
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.BACKUP.2013_04_19_21_48_52 mode to -1
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::737::root:: Backing up
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf into
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::729::root:: successfully
copied file /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf to target destination
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::737::root:: setting file
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf.BACKUP.2013_04_19_21_48_52 uid/gid ownership
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::740::root:: setting file
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf.BACKUP.2013_04_19_21_48_52 mode to -1
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::setup_sequences::59::root:: running
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::754::root:: Update
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf to use engine private key in mod_ssl directives
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::setup_sequences::59::root:: running
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::786::root:: Update
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf to listen in the new HTTP port
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::setup_sequences::59::root:: running
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::798::root:: Update
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf to listen in the new HTTPS port
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::setup_sequences::59::root:: running _redirectUrl
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::84::root:: Processing template
<http://ovirt-engine-proxy.conf.in> to
/etc/httpd/conf.d/z-ovirt-engine-proxy.conf vars {'@JBOSS_AJP_PORT@':
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::729::root:: successfully
copied file
<http://ovirt-engine-root-redirect.conf.in> to target destination
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::737::root:: setting file
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ovirt-engine-root-redirect.conf uid/gid ownership
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::740::root:: setting file
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ovirt-engine-root-redirect.conf mode to -1
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::setup_sequences::59::root:: running _startHttpd
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::engine-setup::1769::root:: Handling the
httpd service
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::456::root:: Executing command
--> '/sbin/chkconfig httpd on' in working directory '/root'
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::494::root:: output =
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::495::root:: stderr = Note:
Forwarding request to 'systemctl enable httpd.service'.

2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::496::root:: retcode = 0
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::1285::root:: stopping httpd
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::1322::root:: executing action
httpd on service stop
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::456::root:: Executing command
--> '/sbin/service httpd stop' in working directory '/root'
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::494::root:: output =
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::495::root:: stderr =
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop  httpd.service

2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::496::root:: retcode = 0
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::1275::root:: starting httpd
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::1322::root:: executing action
httpd on service start
2013-04-19 21:48:52::DEBUG::common_utils::456::root:: Executing command
--> '/sbin/service httpd start' in working directory '/root'
2013-04-19 21:48:54::DEBUG::common_utils::494::root:: output =
2013-04-19 21:48:54::DEBUG::common_utils::495::root:: stderr =
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start  httpd.service

2013-04-19 21:48:54::DEBUG::common_utils::496::root:: retcode = 0
2013-04-19 21:48:54::DEBUG::setup_sequences::59::root:: running
2013-04-19 21:48:54::DEBUG::all_in_one_100::374::root::
Creating/Verifying local domain path
2013-04-19 21:48:54::DEBUG::all_in_one_100::377::root:: Creating
directory /var/lib/images_2013_04_19_21_46_58
2013-04-19 21:48:54::DEBUG::all_in_one_100::380::root:: Setting selinux
2013-04-19 21:48:54::DEBUG::nfsutils::119::root:: setting selinux
context for /var/lib/images_2013_04_19_21_46_58
2013-04-19 21:48:54::DEBUG::common_utils::456::root:: Executing command
--> '/usr/sbin/semanage fcontext -a -t public_content_rw_t
/var/lib/images_2013_04_19_21_46_58(/.*)?' in working directory '/root'
2013-04-19 21:48:55::DEBUG::common_utils::494::root:: output =
2013-04-19 21:48:55::DEBUG::common_utils::495::root:: stderr =
2013-04-19 21:48:55::DEBUG::common_utils::496::root:: retcode = 0
2013-04-19 21:48:55::DEBUG::common_utils::456::root:: Executing command
--> '/sbin/restorecon -r /var/lib/images_2013_04_19_21_46_58' in working
directory '/root'
2013-04-19 21:48:55::DEBUG::common_utils::494::root:: output =
2013-04-19 21:48:55::DEBUG::common_utils::495::root:: stderr =
2013-04-19 21:48:55::DEBUG::common_utils::496::root:: retcode = 0
2013-04-19 21:48:55::DEBUG::setup_sequences::59::root:: running
2013-04-19 21:48:55::DEBUG::all_in_one_100::451::root:: Checking JBoss
2013-04-19 21:48:55::INFO::all_in_one_100::454::root:: JBoss is up and
2013-04-19 21:48:55::DEBUG::setup_sequences::59::root:: running initAPI
2013-04-19 21:48:55::DEBUG::all_in_one_100::240::root:: Initiating the
API object
2013-04-19 21:48:56::ERROR::all_in_one_100::251::root:: Traceback (most
recent call last):
   File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/plugins/all_in_one_100.py",
line 248, in initAPI
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk/api.py", line 119, in
line 112, in request
line 134, in __doRequest
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ovirtsdk/web/connection.py",
line 133, in doRequest
     raise RequestError, response
status: 401
reason: Unauthorized
detail: HTTP Status 401

2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::setup_sequences::62::root:: Traceback (most
recent call last):
   File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/setup_sequences.py", line 60,
in run
   File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/plugins/all_in_one_100.py",
line 252, in initAPI
     raise Exception(ERROR_CREATE_API_OBJECT)
Exception: Error: could not create ovirtsdk API object

2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2064::root:: *** The following
params were used as user input:
2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2069::root::
override-httpd-config: yes
2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2069::root:: http-port: 80
2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2069::root:: https-port: 443
2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2069::root::
override-httpd-root: yes
2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2069::root:: random-passwords: no
2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2069::root:: mac-range:
2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2069::root:: host-fqdn:
engine.startn.com <http://engine.startn.com>
2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2069::root:: auth-pass: ********
2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2069::root:: org-name:
startn.com <http://startn.com>
2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2069::root:: application-mode:
2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2069::root:: default-dc-type: NFS
2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2069::root::
db-remote-install: local
2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2069::root:: db-host: localhost
2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2069::root:: db-local-pass:
2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2069::root:: nfs-mp:
2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2069::root:: iso-domain-name:
2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2069::root:: config-nfs: yes
2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2069::root:: firewall-manager:
2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2069::root:: config-allinone: yes
2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2069::root:: storage-path:
2013-04-19 21:48:56::DEBUG::engine-setup::2069::root:: superuser-pass:
2013-04-19 21:48:56::ERROR::engine-setup::2504::root:: Traceback (most
recent call last):
   File "/usr/bin/engine-setup", line 2498, in <module>
   File "/usr/bin/engine-setup", line 2265, in main
   File "/usr/bin/engine-setup", line 2184, in runSequences
   File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/setup_controller.py", line 54,
in runAllSequences
   File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/setup_sequences.py", line 154,
in run
   File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/setup_sequences.py", line 60,
in run
   File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/scripts/plugins/all_in_one_100.py",
line 252, in initAPI
     raise Exception(ERROR_CREATE_API_OBJECT)
Exception: Error: could not create ovirtsdk API object





+ 太初有道,道与神同在,道就是神。(约翰福音1:1) +

2013/4/20 李强 <liqiang....@gmail.com <mailto:liqiang....@gmail.com>>


    Thank your help,

    The question:
    1,Your email "Close the repository", What does it mean?

    2,Your email "Alternatively, you can try out soon to be merged
    development environment[1][2]"
    Is it stable?
    Can be used in a production environment?

    Thanks again your help,





    + 太初有道,道与神同在,道就是神。(约翰福音1:1) +

    2013/4/19 Alon Bar-Lev <alo...@redhat.com <mailto:alo...@redhat.com>>

        Please try setup product without tweaks if you don't have real
        reason to.

        Close the repository, then:
        $ make tarball
        $ rpmbuild -t <tarball>

        Then install the result rpms as usual.

        Alternatively, you can try out soon to be merged development

        [1] https://github.com/alonbl/ovirt-engine/tree/otopi

        ----- Original Message -----
         > From: "李强" <liqiang....@gmail.com
         > To: engine-devel@ovirt.org <mailto:engine-devel@ovirt.org>
         > Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 6:18:24 PM
         > Subject: [Engine-devel] Why deploy failed? Please help me,
         > HI:All
         > OS:F18
         > Ovirt engine version:
         > the first is 3.2.0
         > update to 3.2.1
         > and now I compile the source to other language.
         > MEM:8G
         > CPU:I7
         > DISK:60G
         > I will use chinese language for ovirt engine,
         > but rpm have not chinese language for default install.
         > So I git clone source, that I compile the source success.
         > From link:
         > http://www.ovirt.org/Building_oVirt_engine
         > mvn clean install -Pdep,gwt-admin,gwt-user,all-langs
         > and show message:
         > ------------------------
         > ------------------------
         > I deploy:
         > DEPLOY COMMAND:
         > cd ear && mvn clean install -Pdep
         > QUESTION:
         > 1,
         > I open the first page that it show
         > ------------------
         > Welcome to Open Virtualization Manager.
         > Version 3.2.1-
         > ------------------
         > Source shoule be 3.3.0?
         > If souce version 3.3.0,then I deploy is not invalid.
         > 2,
         > Change language is failed and is still englist.
         > Other language is invalid.
         > COMMAND DEPLOY:
         > ++++++++++++++++++++++
         > [liqiang@engine ear]$ mvn clean install -Pdep
         > [INFO] Scanning for projects...
         > [WARNING]
         > [WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the
        effective model
         > for org.ovirt.engine:engine-server-ear:ear:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT
         > [WARNING] ' distributionManagement.repository.id
        <http://distributionManagement.repository.id> ' must not be
        'local', this
         > identifier is reserved for the local repository, using it for
         > repositories will corrupt your repository metadata. @ line
        18, column 11
         > [WARNING]
         > [WARNING] It is highly recommended to fix these problems
        because they
         > threaten the stability of your build.
         > [WARNING]
         > [WARNING] For this reason, future Maven versions might no
        longer support
         > building such malformed projects.
         > [WARNING]
         > [INFO]
         > [INFO]
         > [INFO] Building oVirt Server EAR 3.3.0-SNAPSHOT
         > [INFO]
         > [INFO]
         > [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.4.1:clean (default-clean) @
         > ---
         > [INFO] Deleting /home/liqiang/ovirt-engine/ear/target
         > [INFO]
         > [INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (undeploy-ear) @
        engine-server-ear ---
         > [WARNING] Parameter tasks is deprecated, use target instead
         > [INFO] Executing tasks
         > main:
         > [echo] *** Deleting
         > [delete] Deleting directory
         > /usr/share/jboss-as/standalone/deployments/engine.ear
         > [INFO] Executed tasks
         > [INFO]
         > [INFO] --- maven-ear-plugin:2.8:generate-application-xml
         > (default-generate-application-xml) @ engine-server-ear ---
         > [INFO] Generating application.xml
         > [INFO]
         > [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.4.3:resources
        (default-resources) @
         > engine-server-ear ---
         > [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
         > [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory
         > /home/liqiang/ovirt-engine/ear/src/main/java
         > [INFO] Copying 1 resource
         > [INFO]
         > [INFO] --- maven-ear-plugin:2.8:ear (default-ear) @
        engine-server-ear ---
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
         > to [root.war] (unpacked)
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
         > [war:org.ovirt.engine.api:restapi-webapp:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT] to
         > (unpacked)
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
         > to [userportal.war] (unpacked)
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
        [war:org.ovirt.engine.ui:webadmin:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT] to
         > [webadmin.war] (unpacked)
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
         > to [scheduler.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
        [ejb:org.ovirt.engine.core:bll:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT] to
         > [bll.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
         > to [lib/vdsbroker.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
        [jar:org.ovirt.engine.core:compat:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT] to
         > [lib/compat.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
        [jar:org.ovirt.engine.core:common:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT] to
         > [lib/common.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
        [jar:org.hibernate:hibernate-validator: 4.0.2.GA
        <http://4.0.2.GA> ] to
         > [lib/hibernate-validator.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact [jar:javax.validation:validation-api:
        1.0.0.GA <http://1.0.0.GA> ] to
         > [lib/validation-api.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact [jar:javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api:2.1] to
         > [lib/jaxb-api.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact [jar:javax.xml.stream:stax-api:1.0-2] to
         > [lib/stax-api.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact [jar:com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-impl:2.1.3] to
         > [lib/jaxb-impl.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
        [jar:org.ovirt.engine.core:utils:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT] to
         > [lib/utils.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
        [jar:commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:1.8.2] to
         > [lib/commons-beanutils.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact [jar:org.apache.mina:mina-core:2.0.1] to
         > [lib/mina-core.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact [jar:org.apache.sshd:sshd-core:0.7.0] to
         > [lib/sshd-core.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact [jar:org.ovirt.otopi:otopi:1.0.0] to
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
         > [jar:org.ovirt.ovirt-host-deploy:ovirt-host-deploy:1.0.0] to
         > [lib/ovirt-host-deploy.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
        [jar:org.apache.commons:commons-compress:1.4.1] to
         > [lib/commons-compress.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact [jar:org.tukaani:xz:1.0] to [lib/xz.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact [jar:commons-lang:commons-lang:2.6] to
         > [lib/commons-lang.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact [jar:commons-codec:commons-codec:1.4] to
         > [lib/commons-codec.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
        [jar:org.apache.xmlrpc:xmlrpc-client:3.1.3] to
         > [lib/xmlrpc-client.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
        [jar:org.apache.xmlrpc:xmlrpc-common:3.1.3] to
         > [lib/xmlrpc-common.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
         > [jar:org.apache.ws.commons.util:ws-commons-util:1.0.2] to
         > [lib/ws-commons-util.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact [jar:xml-apis:xml-apis:1.0.b2] to
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
        [jar:org.ovirt.engine.core:dal:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT] to
         > [lib/dal.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
         > to [lib/spring-jdbc.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
        [jar:org.springframework:spring-tx:3.1.1.RELEASE] to
         > [lib/spring-tx.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
         > [jar:org.springframework.ldap:spring-ldap-core:1.3.1.RELEASE] to
         > [lib/spring-ldap-core.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
        [jar:commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:3.1] to
         > [lib/commons-httpclient.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
        [jar:commons-collections:commons-collections:3.1] to
         > [lib/commons-collections.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
        [jar:org.quartz-scheduler:quartz:2.1.2] to
         > [lib/quartz.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact [jar:c3p0:c3p0:] to [lib/c3p0.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact [jar:org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.6.1] to
         > [lib/slf4j-api.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
         > [jar:org.ovirt.engine.core:searchbackend:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT] to
         > [lib/searchbackend.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
         > to [lib/jboss-interceptors-api_1.1_spec.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
         > to [lib/spring-core.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
        [jar:org.springframework:spring-asm:3.1.1.RELEASE] to
         > [lib/spring-asm.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
         > to [lib/spring-beans.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
         > [jar:org.springframework:spring-context:3.1.1.RELEASE] to
         > [lib/spring-context.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
        [jar:org.springframework:spring-aop:3.1.1.RELEASE] to
         > [lib/spring-aop.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact [jar:aopalliance:aopalliance:1.0] to
         > [lib/aopalliance.jar]
         > [INFO] Copying artifact
         > [jar:org.springframework:spring-expression:3.1.1.RELEASE] to
         > [lib/spring-expression.jar]
         > [INFO] Copy ear sources to
         > [INFO] Could not find manifest file:
        /home/liqiang/ovirt-engine/ear/target/engine/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF -
         > Generating one
         > [INFO] Building jar:
         > [INFO]
         > [INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:2.1:unpack (deploy-modules) @
         > engine-server-ear ---
         > [INFO] Configured Artifact:
         > org.ovirt.engine.core:dependencies:modules:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT:zip
         > [INFO] Configured Artifact:
         > org.ovirt.engine.core:common:modules:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT:zip
         > [INFO] Configured Artifact:
         > org.ovirt.engine.core:compat:modules:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT:zip
         > [INFO] Configured Artifact:
         > org.ovirt.engine.core:dal:modules:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT:zip
         > [INFO] Configured Artifact:
         > org.ovirt.engine.core:searchbackend:modules:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT:zip
         > [INFO] Configured Artifact:
         > org.ovirt.engine.core:tools:modules:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT:zip
         > [INFO] Configured Artifact:
         > org.ovirt.engine.core:utils:modules:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT:zip
         > [INFO] Unpacking
         > to
         > /usr/share/jboss-as/modules
         > with includes null and excludes:null
         > [WARNING] Unable to expand to file
         > [WARNING] Unable to expand to file
         > /usr/share/java/apache-commons-configuration.jar
         > [INFO] Unpacking
         > to
         > /usr/share/jboss-as/modules
         > with includes null and excludes:null
         > [INFO] Unpacking
         > to
         > /usr/share/jboss-as/modules
         > with includes null and excludes:null
         > [INFO] Unpacking
         > to
         > /usr/share/jboss-as/modules
         > with includes null and excludes:null
         > [INFO] Unpacking
         > to
         > /usr/share/jboss-as/modules
         > with includes null and excludes:null
         > [INFO] Unpacking
         > to
         > /usr/share/jboss-as/modules
         > with includes null and excludes:null
         > [INFO] Unpacking
         > to
         > /usr/share/jboss-as/modules
         > with includes null and excludes:null
         > [INFO]
         > [INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (deploy-ear) @
        engine-server-ear ---
         > [WARNING] Parameter tasks is deprecated, use target instead
         > [INFO] Executing tasks
         > main:
         > [echo] *** Copying updated files to
         > /usr/share/jboss-as/standalone/deployments/engine.ear/...
         > [unjar] Expanding:
        /home/liqiang/ovirt-engine/ear/target/engine.ear into
         > /usr/share/jboss-as/standalone/deployments/engine.ear
         > [echo] *** Touching
         > to force redeployment of engine.ear...
         > [echo] *** Touching engine.ear.dodeploy to force deployment
        of engine.ear...
         > [INFO] Executed tasks
         > [INFO]
         > [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @
         > engine-server-ear ---
         > [INFO] Installing
        /home/liqiang/ovirt-engine/ear/target/engine.ear to
         > [INFO] Installing /home/liqiang/ovirt-engine/ear/pom.xml to
         > [INFO]
         > [INFO]
         > [INFO] Total time: 54.354s
         > [INFO] Finished at: Fri Apr 19 10:48:39 EDT 2013
         > [INFO] Final Memory: 14M/191M
         > [INFO]
         > ++++++++++++++++++++++
         > engine-upgrade
         > ------------------------------------
         > [root@engine ~]# engine-upgrade
         > Checking for updates... (This may take several minutes)...[
        DONE ]
         > 8 Updates available:
         > * ovirt-engine-3.2.1-1.fc18.noarch
         > * ovirt-engine-tools-3.2.1-1.fc18.noarch
         > * ovirt-engine-backend-3.2.1-1.fc18.noarch
         > * ovirt-engine-dbscripts-3.2.1-1.fc18.noarch
         > * ovirt-engine-genericapi-3.2.1-1.fc18.noarch
         > * ovirt-engine-restapi-3.2.1-1.fc18.noarch
         > * ovirt-engine-userportal-3.2.1-1.fc18.noarch
         > * ovirt-engine-webadmin-portal-3.2.1-1.fc18.noarch
         > During the upgrade process, oVirt Engine will not be accessible.
         > All existing running virtual machines will continue but you
        will not be able
         > to
         > start or stop any new virtual machines during the process.
         > Would you like to proceed? (yes|no): yes
         > Stopping ovirt-engine service... [ DONE ]
         > Stopping DB related services... [ DONE ]
         > Pre-upgrade validations... [ DONE ]
         > Backing Up Database... [ DONE ]
         > Rename Database... [ DONE ]
         > Updating rpms... [ DONE ]
         > Updating Database... [ DONE ]
         > Restore Database name... [ DONE ]
         > Preparing CA... [ DONE ]
         > Running post install configuration... [ DONE ]
         > Starting ovirt-engine service... [ DONE ]
         > oVirt Engine upgrade completed successfully!
         > * Upgrade log available at
         > * DB Backup available at
         > ------------------------------------
         > _______________________________________________
         > Engine-devel mailing list
         > Engine-devel@ovirt.org <mailto:Engine-devel@ovirt.org>
         > http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/engine-devel

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