----- Original Message -----

> From: "bigclouds" <bigclo...@163.com>
> To: "Omer Frenkel" <ofren...@redhat.com>
> Cc: "engine-devel" <engine-devel@ovirt.org>
> Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2013 1:12:29 PM
> Subject: Re:Re: [Engine-devel] does now engine support join vm to AD

> thanks, is it the best way? if is it possiable to add windows vm to domain
> automaticly without a reboot?
> look at my thought. if can make it true.
> 1.before start vm, inject domain infomations into guest-image(libguestfs),
> the another side ,it is DC(domain controller), we create matching info(i do
> not know exactly what is that info, ad exchange with a host),
> when start vm, it joins domain automaticly, user can login using domain
> account.

> why it is realizable, because even you use sysprep, a reboot is needed, so
> they can connect seamless if they are prepared corrently?

> i have try, but failed, i did not know how to prepare DC info.
> thanks

i don't know much about using libguestfs to manipulate a running vm, and if it 
afair, when adding windows machine to a domain (from within windows), windows 
requires reboot so... 
i might be wrong here. 

so for your question, not sure its the best way, but this is what i know. 

> At 2013-08-08 13:57:57,"Omer Frenkel" <ofren...@redhat.com> wrote:

> > ----- Original Message -----

> > > From: "bigclouds" < bigclo...@163.com >
> > 
> > > To: "engine-devel" < engine-devel@ovirt.org >
> > 
> > > Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2013 3:36:35 AM
> > 
> > > Subject: [Engine-devel] does now engine support join vm to AD
> > 

> > > hi,all
> > 
> > > does now engine support join vm to AD?
> > 
> > > on UI there is a configuration option for windows domain, how to use it?
> > 

> > when creating template with windows os, y! ou need to 'seal' it somehow for
> > sysprep,
> > then you need to set the domain when creating vm from the template
> > (also you can set the windows domain on the template to be set by default
> > to
> > vms created for it)
> > and when you run the vm for the first time, the windows sysprep takes place
> > and the domain should be set there.
> > make sure to select the right os on the template/vm since the sysprep is
> > different between windows versions.

> > for linux im not sure, it might be possible with cloud init, with
> > user-scripts, once we have this option (currently not implemented)

> > > thanks.
> > 

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