Hi Einav,

Thank you very much for your detailed information and screen shots.
I understand it clearly now and will share this with other translators to ensure that those strings are localized appropriately.

Kind regards,

On 08/28/2013 09:39 PM, Einav Cohen wrote:
Hi Yuko,

- The "cannot edit name in tree context" refers to the message that 
appears in the tool-tip of the Name field in the Edit dialog of a 
certain object while that object is selected in the tree.
see attached "EditCluster-TreeContext.png" - the "Cluster-32" object 
is selected in the left-pane tree, and while it is selected, we chose 
to open its Edit dialog, in which we cannot edit the Name field (see 
the tooltip).

- The "cannot change [type] in tree context" refers to the message 
that appears on the relevant field, typically in an Edit dialog of 
an object that is somehow related to [type], while an object of 
type [type] (or related) is selected in the left-pane tree.
example: see attached "NewHost-CannotChangeCluster.png" - in this 
example, you can see that the "Cluster-32" cluster is selected in 
the left pane tree, and we are trying to add a new Host to the 
system. You can see in the New Host dialog that the Cluster drop-
down is disabled, with the explanation that we "Cannot change 
Cluster in tree context", i.e., while there is a specific Cluster 
selected on the left-pane tree, it is possible to create a Host 
only within that Cluster (i.e. it is impossible to change the 
selected-item in the Cluster drop-down in the New Host dialog 
while a specific Cluster is selected in the left-pane tree).

I hope it clarifies - please let me know if you have additional 


----- Original Message -----
From: "Yuko Katabami" <ykata...@redhat.com>
To: engine-devel@ovirt.org
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 7:06:38 AM
Subject: [Engine-devel] [oVirt/RHEV 3.3 Localization Question #16] "Cannot change/edit item in tree context"

Hi all,

I am re-posting this question to add a few points.

Cannot change Cluster in tree context
Cannot change Data Center in tree context
Cannot change Host in tree context - I have confirmed that it is not possible
to change the name of Cluster, Data Center or Host that is selected in the
tree pane, but other settings can be changed.
The current strings sound like you cannot change any details of those items.

Cannot edit name in tree context

- It sounds as if user attempted to edit a name directly on the tree pane and
got this message.

It would be very much appreciated if anyone can clarify these points and let
me know if my interpretation I previously posted is correct or incorrect.

Kind regards,


On 08/26/2013 05:58 PM, Yuko Katabami wrote:

Hello all,

I would like to ask your help again with those strings:

File: uicompat.UIConstants
Resource IDs:
Cannot change Cluster in tree context
Cannot change Data Center in tree context
Cannot change Host in tree context
Cannot edit name in tree context

I have found this information (at http://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/17886/ ): When
a specific item (for example, an actual host -- not "Hosts") is selected in
the left-pane tree, we need to disable editing the name of that item.

Is this relevant to all of those strings?

If so, is my following interpretation correct?

Cannot change Cluster in tree context => Cannot change name of the Cluster
which is selected in the tree context

Cannot change Data Center in tree context=> Cannot change the name of the
Data Center which is selected in the tree context

Cannot change Host in tree context=> Cannot change the name of the Host which
is selected in the tree context

Cannot edit name in tree context=> Cannot edit the name of an item which is
selected in the tree context

The current strings can be interpreted in several different ways and we would
like to have the above points clarified so that we can translate them

Thank you,


Yuko Katabami (方波見裕子)
Technical Translator II
NAATI Accredited Professional Translator (English into Japanese) #28138
RHCSA #111-119-244
Mobile: +61 415 847 352
Email: ykata...@redhat.com

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Yuko Katabami (方波見裕子)
Technical Translator II
NAATI Accredited Professional Translator (English into Japanese) #28138
RHCSA #111-119-244
Mobile: +61 415 847 352
Email: ykata...@redhat.com

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Yuko Katabami (方波見裕子)
Technical Translator II
NAATI Accredited Professional Translator (English into Japanese) #28138
RHCSA #111-119-244
Mobile: +61 415 847 352
Email: ykata...@redhat.com

Red Hat

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