On 11/06/2013 07:43 PM, Daniel Erez wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Shubhendu Tripathi" <shtri...@redhat.com>
To: de...@redhat.com, "engine-devel" <engine-devel@ovirt.org>
Cc: "Dusmant Pati" <dp...@redhat.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 6, 2013 12:07:34 PM
Subject: IMP: Regarding an issue while translating the error messages for 
gluster using ErrorTranslator class


In the case of Gluster, as there are no one to one mappings available
for all the error messages from Gluster, we set the error in the
VdcFault object as NULL.
We also populate the actual error from the Gluster as error message in
the fault object.


Because of above settings and the below code snippet in /Frontend.java/
class the error message as is gets displayed on the error dialog -
//public String translateVdcFault(final VdcFault fault) {//
//        return
getVdsmErrorsTranslator().TranslateErrorTextSingle(fault.getError() ==
//                ? fault.getMessage() : fault.getError().toString());//
Well and good till now !!

But while translation of the error messages, all the occurrences of "."
get replaced with "_".
This causes an issue for the gluster errors. If the error message sent
from gluster has "."s (say IP Address of a host or FQDN for a host),
that also gets replaced with "_" and the error message does not look
This mechanism of replacing [1] has been introduced to allow proper
message translation when retrieving a message key that contains dots.
E.g. AppErrors.properties -> VALIDATION.ROLES.NAME.MAX is translated
to VALIDATION_ROLES_NAME_MAX in AppErrors.java interface (as interface
signatures cannot contain dots. Note that this process shouldn't
address the message; i.e. only the key is examined for dots.

As you've mentioned VdsmErrorsTranslator I guess there's an issue
only when translating VdsmErrors messages.
Can you please send an example of a message usage?
One example of the error message which is shown on the dialog after translation is as below -

/"Error while executin action Create Gluster Volume: Volume create failed error: Staging failed on //*10_70_43_122_*//Error: /export/vol1-a is already part of a volume"/

If you see the highlighted portion not only the dots in IP address but also the full stop is changed to "_".
(and maybe try the same message using AppErrors instead)
There are no one to one mapping of these messages in AppErrors as they arise randomly, so in such cases we throw the VDSM error message as is on the dialog.

[1] ErrorTranslator -> translateErrorTextSingle()

Request your suggestion for handling such a case.

*PS: *One thing I can think of is, introducing a flag called
/isExternalError/ in /VdcFault/ class to identify if the source of the
fault is external. From Gluster we would set the flag as /true/, and
while replacement of "." with "_", if the flag is set it will not do the


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