Hi Greg and Einav,

Thank you very much for your help in describing these strings.
It makes clear sense now. I will be sharing your info with other translators.

Many thanks!


On 02/14/2014 12:28 PM, Einav Cohen wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Sheremeta" <gsher...@redhat.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 8:59:11 PM

I don't know the answer. But as a native English speaker, these strings need
some work.

"Saving memory may cause data loss when excluding disks!"
If the meaning is "removing disks," then exclude is the wrong word. It should
say remove.
If the meaning is "excluding disks from the snapshot," then it really needs
that prepositional phrase at the end, so it should be changed to
"Saving memory may cause data loss when excluding disks from the snapshot!"

Same goes for the other one.
Thanks, Greg.
I believe it should be the latter (but the storage guys may know better).

So the meaning is:

for "Saving memory may cause data loss when excluding disks!":
Creating a snapshot and saving the memory (i.e. the RAM of the VM, AFAIK)
as part of the snapshot data may cause data loss in case the created
snapshot is a "partial-disks" snapshot (i.e. a snapshot that doesn't
include all of the VM's disks).

for "Previewing memory may cause data loss when excluding disks!":
Performing a snapshot-Preview action that includes previewing the memory
that has been saved during that snapshot creation can cause data loss in
case the previewed snapshot is a "partial-disks" snapshot.

From: "Yuko Katabami" <ykata...@redhat.com>
To: engine-devel@ovirt.org
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 8:44:11 PM
Subject: [Engine-devel] [oVirt 3.4 Localization Question #6] "snapshot
Creation/Preview With Memory"

Hello all,

I am a little confused with those two strings and hoping anyone here can help
me understand them correctly.

File: CommonApplicationConstants
Resource IDs:
Saving memory may cause data loss when excluding disks!
Previewing memory may cause data loss when excluding disks!
These two strings can be interpreted in a few different ways and I would like
have clarification on what they are meant to say.
Is "excluding disks" referring to "not including disks to snapshot when
creating it?"
(Or is it about removing disks?)
If you do not include any disks when you create a snapshot, saving in the
memory or previewing from the memory may cause data loss?
And is "saving" referring to "not using too much" or is it about writing in
the memory?



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