On 07/15/2013 02:37 PM, Klearchos-Angelos Gkountras wrote:

> I am using Debian Sid and icedove as my personal email programm and I
> didn't install enigmail via repos but with icedove's add-ons manager .
> Please describe in which branch of debian is the problem ;)

This goes against the general recommendations of the enigmail team --
their suggestion is that you install icedove/thunderbird and enigmail
from the same source; if you use your distro's version of the MUA, use
your distro's version of the plugin; if you use the "upstream" binary
distribution of the MUA, use the "upstream" binary distribution of the

> don't forget that debian has three branches
> branch            code name
> ------------------------
> stable    |  wheezy
> testing   |  jessie
> unstable  |  sid
> ------------------------

Andy's concern is about iceape (seamonkey) which is version 2.7.12-1 in
all three active suites of debian (wheezy, jessie, and sid).

icedove is now at version 17.0.7 in wheezy (thanks to a security
update), and enigmail was updated to match the icedove version. However,
iceape has not been similarly updated.  There appears to be less
developer time spent on iceape than on the other mozilla variants :(

So Andy is right that there are versioning issues with enigmail in
wheezy if you try to use it with iceape.

As one of the members of the debian project who is trying to keep
enigmail functional in debian, i'm not sure what the answer is.  We
would love to continue to support enigmail for iceape as well as
icedove, but i'm not sure what the right thing to do is.  if we're using
the system-installed locations, i don't see how we can have the two
versions of enigmail co-installable.

I'm cc'ing the mozilla extension packaging team on the e-mail to see if
anyone has any suggestions for resolving this conflict in a healthy way.

Sorry to not have any more productive answers myself,


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