That said, for $720 I would consider writing the feature myself! :) I would have to hold my nose while I did it, but that's a good bounty for this type of project ....

Personally, I wouldn't touch it with a three-meter pole.  :)

The problem here becomes you're now taking direct responsibility for I/O operations. As it currently stands, Enigmail can't corrupt your folders or cause your inbox to eat itself or anything else. There's not a single line of code in Enigmail that ever accesses a folder or mailbox directly.

The instant you start automagically saving cleartext in special folders, you're assuming responsibility for a whole lot of stuff that can potentially go very wrong. And not just that: even if your code works perfectly, users will still email you to say "after I installed your plugin I LOST DATA and it's ALL YOUR FAULT". (How do I know this will happen? Because I get a couple of emails a year from people telling me this happened with Enigmail... despite the fact we don't do any I/O.)

I think the feature request is a solid one -- but I wouldn't implement it myself.

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