Hash: RIPEMD160

Hi Nico,

before I forget (long answers): I HIGHLY appreciate your efforts and to NOT want
to put you down in any way. Just trying to help ...

> it is reset to state an email would have without forcing ... not common
> case ... not provided via status bar icons ... we could make it an advanced
> item

yes, that's what I vote for since i fear it clutters the "simple" UI too much.

> The resulting UI is the best I found to deal with that.

Go ahead - if others, esp. Patrick, are fine with it!

> I can send you a excel sheet if you are interested

I vote to document this on the website. Transparency is vital here. One can
always point to that reference if discussion arises again. I can put up a page
if you provide me with text (Excel is OK if I can use the text for the table
as-is (should be made self explanatory). Please enclose Text for above/below the
table - and a heading. Send to me directly. If you have access, you may also do
that page yourself.

> new default for the ordinary user: enc off but auto encrypt if keys valid 
> This is so simple and easy to use so that I bet that 90% of users will use 
> this mode. And usually even experts need no or only a few rules.


> But something must always be possible: Finally manually force to
> encrypt/sign

I don't think that this even should be possible in simple mode.

> or not to encrypt/sign

OK, maybe along with possibility to "remeber that decision" (creation of a rule)

> This is nothing we can skip in any mode.

Hmmm. KISS!

> This is feedback I got already from people trying out the new features (and
> BTW, this is also what GPGTools provides for Apple).

I'm not telling what you/they say is wrong, just trying to not only think along
trodden paths.

> Even beginners always have to be able to disable encryption explicitly if
> it is automatically selected.


> The rest is what I programmed without the ability to switch to expert mode 
> (we already have basic and expert mode, we don't need one more confusion

You may have misunderstood me: I'm talking about these "basic and expert" modes
from OpenPGP settings!

> As I wrote, this is disabled in the non-expert mode now.

+1, we'll see what user feedback is.

> But you are right, whether PGP/mime should be default and whether HTML 
> should be enabled by default is indeed something we should discuss.

We must!

> Now, there is a much cleaner model: ...

Again, go ahead!

> - I did discuss all changes with Patrick, directly. So, he knows.

Cool. Then I'm 100% fine with it!

> - One problem is that what you propose takes too long.

I know. I'd also travel to a workshop if we do stuff like this!

> Thus, you have to "look&feel" a UI to see whether it works.


> You will be able to try things out on the master pretty soon

Looking forward to it!

> BUT: If I really go into the wrong overall direction, THEN we should
> discuss that.

As you discussed this wit Patrick, I'm sure you won't end up in a dead end.

> Please allow me to chose that mode for fast necessary improvements.


> I showed it at a conference in Oslo last week in front of 40 people. They
> really liked it (and found stuff to improve).

Cool! Had a great time there, then?

> I am happy to provide a xpi file to test it, now.

I don't have dev tools installed on my machine. But I am very happy to wait
until you announce the next nightly we should test. BTW, you can always contact
me directy, I'm sure you'll find suitable contact data and means :-)

- -- 
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Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32)
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