I am a 63 year old disability pensioner, and became interested in email 
encryption last year.
This web site guided me through the set up of PGP, using Thunderbird and 

I want to thank those who work on Enigmail, I reckon you do a wonderful job for 
the community.

I doubt that even if encryption is made much simpler, most of the ordinary 
folks will not adopt it. The reason is they use the excuse they do not have 
anything to hide, least ways that is what is said to me by many friends. They 
all agree they send regular surface mail in envelopes, but some how think their 
email is secure, and in any case what they have to say would not interest 

In my opinion PGP is very simple to use. The setting up is not rocket science, 
it only requires certain steps to be followed initially.

Once installed it works seamlessly.

I want to thank you Patrick and the others that work on Enigmail and make it 
available to the broader community. My Mum is 81 years of age and she uses 

Every best wish for 2015 - Ian

On 02/01/15 02:49, Patrick Brunschwig wrote:
> On 31.12.14 17:54, Kristy Chambers wrote:
> [...]
> > With all due respect on the work of Enigmail and its developers,
> > it's just terrible. Maybe you ask, if I haven't complained earlier.
> > Yeah it is bad, and I'm too lazy to report bugs, but I also think
> > that there is no chance to change a lot on Enigmail, because I have
> > the feeling, that your reports will not change much, as long as the
> > current developers of Enigmail are leading the development.
> > I will never forget, that Enigmail once made all key valid by
> > default. Usability is bullshit argument, because you had at least
> > warn the people by a message to show, what's the problem, if using
> > an invalid key, to let them decide to sent an unauthenticated, but
> > encrypted email.
> I have started to work on Enigmail nearly 12 years ago, and for the
> vast majority of the time (> 90%) I was the only person to develop
> code for Enigmail during my free time. For the next release of
> Enigmail, I have developed so far fixes and features for 21 out of 26
> bug reports and enhancement requests. I consider myself therefore the
> leader of the development; hence your mail addresses me in the first
> place.
> If I get you right, then you're telling me that you did like Enigmail
> in the past, even though I'm a stubborn developer who does not listen
> end users and ignore bug reports and feature requests systematically.
> This sound a bit weird to me, to say the least.
> The truth is that we're trying to reduce the complexity of encryption
> as this is the main hurdle for spreading its use. Now this is not
> something straight forward, and we're on a learning curve. Believe it
> or not, but this includes getting feedback from end users, distill the
> results and try to improve with the next versions.
> > I hope I will find the time and be in a mood to write a new
> > Icedove/Thunderbird-AddOn, so I can put Enigmail to the trash bin
> > and you can complain about my AddOn.
> You're very welcome to do that.
> A happy new year to everyone on this mailing list
> -Patrick
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