And, this isn't political? Buzz off.

Just wanted to say...I'm so sorry you are exposed to and abused by
demented people like this: <3. It
is embarrassing to be a member of the same crowd as people like this -
users who are paranoid 

Well, thank you.  

I should say, though, that the vast majority of our users are nice people whom 
I’d happily buy a beer.  But there’s a small fraction of the userbase that 
keeps life very interesting.

In 2005, I think it was, while I was in graduate school, I was approached by a 
group who wanted me to deliver a speech on communications security and the 
effective use of cryptography.  The conditions the organizer put on it were 
pretty weird: I wasn’t to ask anyone their names, I’d get paid in cash, 
etcetera.  The speech was to be in Chicago, which is a considerable distance 
away, so I asked for $100 in advance against my speaking fee just to cover my 
driving expenses.  I received a single $100 bill in the mail a few days later, 
with no return address.

This concerned me, because this group was now both (a) deeply paranoid and (b) 
serious about hiring me.

Shortly before driving to Chicago I sent the organizer (through an anonymous 
remailer: I never learned his or her real name) a concerned note about, 
“listen, I don’t know what I’m getting into here: for all I know you’re a 
criminal enterprise, and I’m not going to get tangled in that.”  The organizer 
sent me back a note saying that they had a discussion and yes, they decided I 
had a right to know what I was getting into.

They were a support group for people on the run from the Illuminati.

My next email to them was a simple, “Wait, you’re telling me you’re a support 
group for people on the run from the Bavarian Illuminati?  Is that what you 
just … I don’t understand.”

No, no, they told me, the *Illuminati*.  The Bavarian Illuminati is just one 
small branch.  The rest of their email was filled with a detailed breakdown of 
the structure of the Illuminati and what they had been able to discern of its 
internal power struggles, and why the Bavarian branch was currently not in good 
favor with the Illuminati as a whole.  They had discovered this from 
interviewing a very small number of people who had survived the Illuminati and 
were now in hiding, and their group was devoted to trying to keep these people 

I bowed out, telling them I wasn’t willing to sign up for that.  The organizer 
understood, and suggested that I donate the $100 to a local charity.  It was 
simply too dangerous to give me a postal address to return the money to, you 

I wrote a check to a local food bank for $100.  The single $100 bill I received 
from the support group for people on the run from the Illuminati got framed.  I 
keep it above my office desk, as proof positive that I have been employed to 
fight the dark conspiracy that shapes our world.

Yes, folks.  Every single word I’ve written here is true.

Like I said.  A small fraction of the userbase keeps life very, very 

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