Am 24.02.2015 12:33 schrieb Onno Ekker:
I have a problem with the current user interface for Enigmail
I wanted to switch protocol for a message from Inline PGP to PGP/MIME,
but the current interface is very hard to read.
It would be better to show both options as a radio menuitem and to add
a checked attribute to the one that's selected, much like the sorting
is shown in thunderbird's main menu View -> Sort By...
That way you can easily see what aletrnative protocols there are and
which one is selected.


It would be even more nice if S/MIME would also be in that list, to
make it impossible to select S/MIME and Inline PGP or PGP/MIME at the
same time :-)


since version 1.8 if you write a new mail you have a complete row for Enigmail in the compose window. When you click on "Enigmail" on the left, you get a dialogue where you can swith between Inline PGP and PGP/MIME.


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