
On 20.09.15 05:06, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
> (Forgive the HTML: this is one of the few times where I think it’s
> worthwhile.  This email uses color to convey information.)
> (...)
> … Bam.  A simple UX that everyone sees, which conveys the most important
> information at-a-glance.  If more detailed information is needed, we
> present it in human-friendly language and embed within the language
> links to help people do common tasks related to keys.
> Further, this UX is completely independent of the trust model used by
> GnuPG.  If you want to use the Web of Trust, no problem.  If you have
> --trust-model=always set, no problem.  If you’re using TOFU, no problem. 
> What do y’all think?

Wow, I like that very much! This goes into the same direction of the two
buttons (sign/encrypt) in the compose window which got really good
feedback. It's logical, consequent and simple. You get an overview on
first glance.

Don't know yet how to display these three items withing the message
header, in a graphical sense. I'll make a suggestion.

This UI change covers about 90% of daily use and Enigmail can implement
it independently and instantly.

But I think, we've still got to look into the wording of key details.
One of the most misunderstood terms there is "ownertrust". Also - as
already pointed out - "validity" is not clear. And: We "sign" messages,
but until today we also "sign" a key/certificate, expressing that it
belongs to the promised person. The double use of the term "signature"
has led to quite frequent misunderstandings. We really should use
"certify" for the latter.

These new terms should also be used within GnuPG and other OpenPGP clients.


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