> Yes, 8192 is non standard but what you link to is not correct for real
> world front end applications

The FAQ entry is correct.

> but 4096 is not too big to be default, if
> it is why do lots modern interface default to larger than 2048?

Because there are a lot of people who demand unreasonably large key
sizes, without understanding why they're unnecessary, counterproductive,
or foolish.

RSA keys exhibit a savage curve of diminishing returns: the larger your
key becomes, the more bits you need to add to gain one additional
shannon of resistance to brute forcing.  The "it's time to stop adding
bits and switch to elliptical curve cryptography" point is at about
RSA-3072.  And that's just fact.  But when your users demand
unreasonably large keys, well... one option is to say, "no, this is
foolish," and lose users.  Another is to allow them the ability to
generate unreasonably large keys.

> examples: enigmial (cross platform) 4096 key, openkeychain (android)
> 3072 key, gpgtools (OSX) 4096, gpg4win (Windows) 4096

Counter-example: GnuPG itself, 2048.

Feel free to ask Werner what he thinks of people who use unreasonably
large keys.  :)

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