On 21.11.2016 21:59, Pietro Donnini wrote:
> i use Chromium Version 53.0.2785.143 Built on 8.6, running on Debian
> 8.6, and seems your certificate issuer (GeoTrust DV SSL CA - G3) is one
> in the list of those issuing "test" certificates for website that do not
> ask for them (basically they issue a second certificate for a website
> already having it), so I get the
> error ERR_CERTIFICATE_TRANSPARENCY_REQUIRED, and as I read here that's
> the problem https://sslmate.com/blog/post/ct_redaction_in_chrome_53 the
> thing I dont get is that that was a symantec reated problem insted now
> it seems it affect also geotrust?
> With symantec signed websites I solve the issue using this
> http://askubuntu.com/questions/849450/certain-websites-not-displaying-correctly-in-chromium-err-insecure-response-for/849741
> (adding symantec public key in trusted authorities) so for sure it's not
> related to that, did you have any idea why I got this?
> thanks
> bye bye

Just read the "Update" section of the link you provided:

"Update (Thursday, November 10, 2016): Due to a bug in Chrome, versions
of Chrome 53 that are more than 10 weeks old now display this error
message for all websites using Symantec certificates that were issued on
or after June 1, 2016 (including from Symantec-owned brands like Thawte
and GeoTrust). As of Friday, November 11, 2016, Chrome users can simply
restart Chrome to avoid the bug. Chromium users must upgrade. Website
operators can switch to a certificate from a different certificate
authority. (SSLMate issues Comodo certificates, which are not affected.)
The rest of this post still applies to new versions of Chrome."

There are all your answers. The best solution is probably to update to
the latest stable version of Chromium which is a security-related best

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