On 04/17/2017 02:21 PM, John Washington wrote:
> I have two keys (which is my own fault). I am trying to use both
> mailvelope and Thunderbird, but am having issues with both. I'm getting
> an error in Mailvelope that says: "Error! No private key found for this
> message. Required private key IDs: 123917833D3467DE or E74FDBBA2F0DF810"
> and yet I can encrypt and send messages no problem. And I'm getting an
> error in Thunderbird that says " Part of the message encrypted Error -
> no matching private/secret key found to decrypt message gpg: decryption
> failed: No secret key".
> Any and all help is greatly appreciated. I'm a freelance journalist
> needing to get this right for sources.
> Thanks.
> /john

I noticed in the header that you are using MAC OSX which is built on top
of BSD UNIX.  First of all I would open a terminal and type the
following commands:

gpg --list-secret-keys

This will give you a listing of the secret keys that GnuPG has stored in

I am not familiar with Mailvelope but I assume that it is a front end
for gmail.  Several years ago I tried to get the Gmail encryption
programs to cooperate with GnuPG all to no avail.  (But that was most
likely over 5 years ago)  The gmail encryption frontends do not use
GnuPG and generate their own keys and store the keys in their own

Mailvelope should have a way to export both the public and secret keys
just like GnuPG has.

To export a public key in GnuPG type:
gpg -a --export publickeyid > some-name.asc

The -a option makes the output as ascii text
The > redirects the output to the specified file rather than stdout or
the screen.

To export a secret key in gpg type:
gpg -a --export-secret-key keyID > some-name-secret.asc

My experience with gmail encryption frontends was that they did not
allow the import of keys from files and insisted on blocking and pasting
to import a key.

You can either use cat or less to display your key files.  The cat
command sends the entire file to the screen and sometimes the file is
longer than the 1000 lines that are normally stored in memory thus using
less will enable you to page through the file.

I hope this long winded reply helps :-)

 Rev. LeRoy D. Cressy  mailto:le...@lrcressy.com    /\_/\
                       mailto:rev.cre...@gmail.com ( o.o )
                                                    > ^ <
                       Cell Phone:  267-668-9686

Please See My posts on facebook or googleplus

Open PGP Key:     C34B77CC
gpg fingerprint:  8AD5 35EF 1FDF F1A7 E483  8CCE A50D 4E81 C34B 77CC

For info on enigmail:   https://www.enigmail.net/
For info on gpg:        https://gnupg.org/
For secure Cell Phone:  https://whispersystems.org/

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)

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