On 05/20/18 05:22, Andrew Gallagher wrote:
> I said earlier that deprecation has to happen, but I’ll reiterate here. If 
> doing the things that we know need to be done requires breaking backwards 
> compatibility, then so be it.

There is no value in preserving backwards compatibility when the
backwards that one is maintaining compatibility with is broken in the
first place.

We *know* 2.6 is insecure.  What on earth is the point of maintaining
support for a *known insecure* version of a security tool?  It's not the
Emperor's new suit, it's his beloved threadbare once-fuzzy bathrobe with
his hairy ass hanging out the back.

  Phil Stracchino
  Babylon Communications
  Landline: +1.603.293.8485
  Mobile:   +1.603.998.6958

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