On 04.06.18 13:01, Marco Zehe wrote:
> 8. What it didn't do, but which I kind of expected, was transfer the
> keys it had on machine 1 over to machine 2.

The feature is not part of the pEp Engine for Enigmail yet, and
Autocrypt expects you to initiate the key transfer manually.

> 1. What is the *intended* behavior for someone who was using OpenPGP for
> years and is setting up stuff fresh? I know there are ways to export
> settings from Enigmail now, but back when I stopped using Thunderbird on
> Windows temporarily, Enigmail didn't have those features yet, and I
> didn't save the whole profile, just my keyring settings from GnuPG:

At first, you'll end up in pEp mode. If you configure any of your
accounts for Enigmail, or if you copy your profile from one computer to
the other, you'll end up in "Enigmail" mode.

> Is Enigmail really supposed to create a new pair of keys automatically
> when I supply GnuPG with a key ring that has exactly one pub/sec key
> pair in it?

No. In fact, Enigmail does not create keys. In pEp mode, all key
management is done by the pEp engine. That's a bug in the pEp engine
that needs to be fixed by the pEp developers.

> 2. And the second question: Is there really no way for me to use pEp
> *and* my original key pair? Is the fact that this contains aliases the
> factor that prevents Enigmail from picking it up and using it, and
> recreating its own set of keys? If that is the case, is there a way for
> Enigmail to create key pairs for the aliases / different identities I
> added for the same e-mail account?

The current version of Enigmail/pEp cannot handle aliases well. Enigmail
would only tell the pEp engine about the "main" email address.

> Or am I going about this all wrong, and shouldn't even be using pEp mode?

I would think that for existing users of Enigmail, the pEp mode is not
always perfectly suitable. It's really intended for beginners who just
want encryption without needing to care about anything.


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