
On 06/25/2018 11:12 PM, Aaron Tovo wrote:
> I'm trying to import my public keyring into Enigmail in the
> Thunderbird email client

So you have a local gpg installation with all your keys imported there?
`gpg2 -k` shows them all? And Enigmail uses this installation? Then they
should all appear

> Enigmail -> Key Management -> File -> Import Keys From File
> Then I select my pubring.gpg file. It asks me if I "want to import the
> following keys", then lists the keys in my file. I click on the OK
> button. And I get a pop-up window that says...
>     /Importing the keys failed/
>     /gpg: invalid item 'BZIP2' in preference string//
>     //gpg: invalid default preferences/

The keyring file is not a key.

python programming - mail server - photo - video - https://sebix.at
cryptographic key at https://sebix.at/DC9B463B.asc and on public keyservers

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