On 22.09.18 23:19, Claudio Luck wrote:
> On 22.09.18 10:30, Patrick Brunschwig wrote:
>> On 21.09.18 21:27, john doe wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm starting to use Thunderbird (TB) in conbination with enigmail.
>>> Every time I start TB a gpg key is created for my main account.
>>> How can I disable that behavior?
>>> Any help is appriciated.
>> That's a bug in the pEp engine. Please follow the steps described here
>> to switch to the Classical Enigmail mode, which allows you to configure
>> your keys etc.
> Just checking: is the adapter in nightly and in release now the same?

No, why would it? Nobody from pEp ever told me that I should do that.

> Because the package 2.0.23 comes with a much more recent engine which
> should have fixed this.

You (pep) need to tell me which version of the adapter I should offer
for production. I won't change this on my own.


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