Dear Enigmail developers,

before I start to describe my problem / unexpected behavior I want to
say thanks to all of you for maintaining this awesome plugin. :D

The problem I am facing is the following: I want to send an Email to a
larger group of people most of them in Bcc as I dont want the addresses
to be public,
one of the recipients has GPG Keys and turns on the autoencryption from
gpg. That causes all the people in BCC not being able to read the mail.

Is this behavior intended?

Best wishes from Germany

Version: Enigmail version 2.0.8 (20180804-1515)
Thunderbird: Thunderbird 60.3.0
OS: Arch Linux

Christian Heusel
m:      +4915788865804  e: <>
a:      Schwalbenweg 9, 72116 Öschingen

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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