Hello folks,

Is my first message here, I will try to do it well. I have 2 issues:

A. Empty Keyring

1. Today I tried to send an email but got private key error: "Can't find
your key in keychain" (something like this)

2. So I opened my Enigmail kaychain and realized that it's empty. All
keys gone included my private key.

3. Then, I found some errors in syslog:

So it seems that can't connect to pgp.mit and then Enigmail deleted the
keys? Maybe is another problem... I'm note sure. 

Something important is that I double checked my behavior, and I did
nothing weird, nor deleted a folder nor changed settings at all.

Software versions:

* Thunderbird version: 60.6.1 (updated from 60.5.1 in 3/29/2019)

* Enigmail version: 2.0.10

* GnuPG version: 2.2.4-1ubuntu1.2

Let me know if I must do another thing or send another log or whatever
is needed.

B. Documentation error

When I clicked "report a defect":
https://www.enigmail.net/index.php/en/support/reporting-defects and then
"Create an execution trace", the link sent me to FAQ's "Usage"
questions, but nothing similar to "execution trace".

thanks in advance,



Diaspora*: https://diasp.org/u/lupa18
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Telegram: @lupa18
Riot/matrix: @lupa18:matrix.org (no uso)
openPGP ID: 45ED76E0
openPGP key: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x58A5DBC345ED76E0
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