
Enigmail has general serious failings.

When I had one set of keys - everything worked fine. No problems.

I decided to create a key pair for

skip...@gbenet.com I also had

Enigmail refuses ALL PASSWORDS refuses to ENCRYPT and refuses to SIGN on
any of my email accounts.

For example

site-admin can not sign or encrypt to david's public key - it refuses to
except the passphrase and refuses to encrypt
postmaster can not sign or encrypt to site-admin's public key - it
refuses to accept the passphrase and refuses to encrypt to site-admin's
public key.

I can not digitally sign any outgoing emails - period.
I could list every permutation of Enigmail's failings.

I can not digitally sign this email because Enigmail refuses to except
the password!!!

David - twiddling with settings for days!

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