On Fri,  3 Jan 2020 09:21, Patrick Brunschwig said:

> to deal with handling keys and passphrases. If GNOME decides to hijack
> gpg-agent then that's entirely their decision, and you can't blame GPG
> for working that.

Just let me note that GNOME is not hijacking gpg-agent.  They did so in
the past but this has been fixed years ago.  However, when using the
pinentry-gnome (which should be the default on GNOME) that pinentry
version is delegating request to the GNOME keyring daemon and only
popping a window of its own if the GNOME keyring daemon does not know
the passphrase yet.

Running gpg with --verbose will print information about the used pinentry.

To avoid confusion: The GNOME keyring has nothing to do with the GnuPG
keyring, they only use the same name for very different things.



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