Jonas Rudolph <> wrote:
> I am unfamiliar with apt-build.  Does it work like explained here, 

Basically, yes.  Itʼs nothing more than a wrapper around apt-get, 
dpkg-buildpackage, etc.

By all means you are free to use them directly, if you are more familiar with 

FWIW, there is also apt(-get) source --compile.

> or does it actually not get the latest version

It follows the same rules as any other apt-tool: defaults to the latest version 
from the current target release, and you can override the latter with -t TARGET 
switch or NAME/TARGET notation.  E. g.:

        # aptitude -t sid build-dep hello
        $ apt -t sid source --compile hello

> because it doesn't find it in the "sources" as well?

All deb-src should be specified in advance, of course.

> Otherwise I'd go on and build everything as it's listed here: 

Yes, you perhaps would like to upgrade not gnupg2 only, but all software that 
comes from (npth, libassuan, etc), even if APT says dependencies are 
fine otherwise.

> (I sense lots of fun coming up setting all paths correctly)

If you are going to use APT, it will either work like a charm or bump against 
dependencies that unresolvable without upgrading the whole system.  I am still 
leaning to bet on the latter, though.

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