Niltze [Hello]-

This weekend has been distressful in terms of security for those of us who use any Linux derivative(s) as the XZ/liblzma security issue was 'discovered'.
< >

I also followed the now disabled GitHub repo
< >
where they had a frank interaction as the situation was emerging. Initially, one of the entities referred to something along the phrase of "it had to be a 'chink'", i.e., the committer who had been gradually introducing the backdoor into the XZ/liblzma source code. Yet, in the Internet *anyone* can utilize any name and does not necessarily reflect the prejudices inherent in others. I still remember a phrase, probably a cliche by now, during the early phase of Internet being embraced where 'no one would know if you were a dog using the Internet'. Fact is that no one knows if behind a particular screen name/email at gmail[.]com, there was a major intelligence organization from *any* country -- yes, even from the West, i.e., Vault 7 anyone? for which Julian Assange is being tortured by the AngloSaxons' and their 'rules-based order'.

Possibly unrelated but AT&T got hacked, and they barely realized that some (all?) of its customers' personal data ended up in the so-called Dark Web.

And then reading through the OpenWall threads there is a link to terminal emulators vulnerabilities < >
where its author lists Terminology as to be avoided, but:

"add option to disable terminology escape codes that could be considered security issues by some. They are enabled by default" < >

If I add that option to the current source code of Terminology, what functionality would I lose?

Best Professional Regards.

P.S. In retrospect, the patches that I developed for Metztli Reiser4 basically had ZSTD as the kernel de/compressor instead of the usual XZ used in Debian default. Nevertheless, xz/liblzma allegely touches even Systemd, which the Distro maintainers have pushed against the will of many users downstream --including myself. It is one thing to have a local Systemd-free operating system(s) -- which can be tinkered and fixed when it breaks with a given 'official' repository update; yet, it is another thing to attempt a Systemd-free remote bare metal or virtual instance(s) where it is not so easy to fix after a given update breaks it.

Jose R R
Download Metztli Reiser4: Debian Bullseye w/ Linux 5.16.20 AMD64
feats ZSTD compression
Official current Reiser4 resources:

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