On Sun, 2003-09-28 at 19:22, Marcos Rodriguez wrote:
> I want to know if the enlightenment project is NOT DEAD.

E16 is not dead at all.

E17 is currently being rewritten, so the old E17 is dead.

> I want to know that so I can switch from KDE to enlightenment right
> away.

Yes, but E does not include a file manager, panels, browser, or any of
the other DE type things. Eventually E17 will include these.

In the meantime you should use an E16.6 pre-release. This supports using
the panels/fm from GNOME or KDE, so you can launch Konqueror or Nautilus
or whatever.

> I dont wanto to use a dead project.

E16 is more active than it's been for years.

> Will enlightenment come with the stable  mandrake 9.2?

I think Mandrake includes 16.5, which only supports GNOME 1.x and KDE
1.x. So you'll want to install 16.6 right away.

> And were is the menu in enlightment that KDE and GNOME and ICEWM has?

E16.6 includes tools to convert the new menu formats. Anything that
installs standard menus for KDE3/GNOME2 should work once you use them.

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        -- Steven Wright

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