On Sun, 21 Mar 2004 15:55:05 CST, Daniel Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  said:
> For a while I have been having problems when compiling mmx support into
> evas.  If I compile without any cpu optimizations, I have no problems, but
> once I compile in mmx, (since I have a p2) any efl app run at the same

> Also, my p2 doesnt support mmx2, only mmx, and so I think the problem
> could be related to that.  Then again, I'm not a programmer, so I really
> don't know.  Anyway, I hope that helps and I hope the bug is fixed :)

I don't see any bug here.  All I see is somebody who compiled something,
asked it to generate instruction codes that aren't supported on their CPU,
and then get surprised when the resulting program rolls over and  dies:

> (gdb) backtrace
> #0  evas_common_cpu_mmx2_test () at evas_cpu.c:39

"Doctor, it hurts when I do this" "Don't do that then..."

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