On Tue, 08 Jun 2004 14:06:40 MDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  said:
> E17 have support to X.org(all features) ? and what's the diferent between 
> Evas+Canvas and Cario+Glitz? 

Umm.. which "all features" do you mean, exactly?  There's quite a few features
in there that E17 doesn't care about one way or another.

For instance, there's support for setting the gamma value for the monitor.
which E shouldn't care about, that's what xgamma and xvidtune are for. On the
other hand, E may care about *reading* the gamma values (or more likely, E will
call libraries like libpng that will care about reading the gamma values, in
order to adjust an image, at which point the question becomes "does libpng
support it?")

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