On Fri, 06 Aug 2004 10:17:19 +1000, Nick Blievers said:

> I dont disagree that a simple GUI editor should be the default.... but lets do it 
> the Unix way, and 
> have an EDITOR variable set. Else we end up with yet another way of setting the 
> default editor.

This loses big time for those people who have EDITOR set to something that will
DTRT when invoked in any sort of vt-100 emulator (everything from a Linux
console to a telnet/ssh to an xterm).  "The Unix Way" has long assumed that
using your shell's version of 'export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vi' will do something
reasonable.  And in fact, that's quite sane until some application decides that
$EDITOR is presumed to be smart enough to open an X window all by itself,
without a 'FooTerm -e $EDITOR $*' wrapper to do the windowing stuff for it.

Using $XEDITOR instead, to denote a GUI-aware editor, might be a good idea....

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