On Tue, 2004-12-14 at 19:53 -0500, Michael Jennings wrote:

> Your preference doesn't enter into it, to be blunt.  The use of DB
> files was discussed and decided on a long time ago.  You're not saying
> anything here that hasn't been said before...just reopening old
> gripes.

Well, excuse me. Don't be elitist.
> > IMHO, there is no advantage to having that ONE file as an edb
> > one. No other part of entrance uses it.
> So you're advocating turning this one particular file into text and
> leaving the rest as DB files?  That doesn't sound very *consistent*,
> now does it?  :-)

No. There is one db file that Entrance uses. The rest are EET. This
config file is in etc where all but one file I can think of are text. I
fail to see how my "gripe" as you call it is unreasonable. I also fail
to see how making a config file open, without having to write a program
to edit it is unreasonable,
> HTH,
> Michael
I suppose, it depends on who you think your audience is. If it's people
like me, end users that enjoy the latest in tech trends and like to
tinker, then your library-only approach to configuration editing is not
going to fly. If it's a narrow group of programmers and graphics
wizards, then I suppose it will be fine.

However, just because someone thinks there is a more practical way to do
something is no reason to flame. If I am too "ignorant" for your tastes
then perhaps I am wasting my time trying to figure out what E is all


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