I was just reading through and I noticed under the FAQ question:
Q: I have E16 installed. Do I need to uninstall it so I can install E17?

It says that they can happily co-exist as long as they are installed
in different directories (/usr and /usr/local).  I remember a little
while ago some messages about E16.8 being the only version which can
safely exist along with E17.  I know that someone else probably knows
better about this.  Maybe they were just talking about default
installations (as in no --prefix).  Perhaps someone can fill in the
blanks for us? I just thought I would mention it.

Paul Moss

On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 12:43:40 +0000, Valtteri Vainikka
> Hey all,
> First of all, I'd like to greet everyone here - this is my first post
> on this mailing list. I've been been writing and maintaining the
> lude.net/edocs guide with Tom Kuther for quite a while already.
> Recently we were asked by Benr if we wanted to write some users
> documentation for E17. So here it is - it's not the final version, but
> most of the text itself is done. It's based on the edocs text but
> modified quite heavily to look and feel more professional. This is
> just the text itself though, it will obviously need to be turned into
> a more eye-friendly page with perhaps some screenshots and so on.
> The point of this guide is to provide user-level documentation for the
> E17 windowmanager and the most popular EFL based applications. We're
> fully aware that everything is going to change and so on, the point is
> to have a guide that would evolve (maintained with the new CMS system)
> alongside everything in CVS. This doesn't mean E17 should be supported
> or anything similar (there's a pretty clear disclaimer of the current
> situation). This guide is intended to help the early-adaptors/testers
> with getting started with E17, it's not meant as a final users guide
> of course.
> Me and Tom aren't coders, I'm sure you can see that by reading the
> guide, so there may be some inaccurate stuff there right now. So what
> I'm asking is if you could read through the guide and perhaps provide
> some feedback on what needs to be improved and changed. I'm including
> the current version of the raw text as an attachment. You can also
> find us on IRC, my nick is vrln and Tom is gimpel - we're both on
> freenode IRC pretty often and hang around at #edevelop.
> cheers,
> Valtteri

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