
Checked your plugin again - same results.
Let me describe problem again (step step)

Load plugin (not enabled yet)
Enable plugin - Evolume shows on 2 displays
Edit channels on right display (disable-line in, cd, etc...)
Right display show all controls (except switched off), Left display show all 
restart e
Left display now show config from right (with disabled line-in, cd, etc...), 
right display have config from left display
(all controls enabled)

Unfortunatelly, can't provide patch - i'm not a programmer ;)

Hack skipped - screens glued together ;)

PS: Unixoidy vseh stran - ob'edinaytes... Budem mochit' M$  ;)

Boldin Pavel wrote:
> Ag. System Administrator wrote:
>> Right screen - only "Master, PCM, CD, Line" is on
>> Left screen - all on
> sorry, unable to reproduce.
> (i create 2 faces on same container, but don't see configure swapping).
> if it reproduced on your machine possibly you make patch and send it to me?
> HACK: try to swap screens :)

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