On Sun, 2005-07-17 at 15:44 -0400, Michael Jennings wrote:
> On Sunday, 17 July 2005, at 19:28:30 (+0100),
> losted wrote:
> >    Hi, i recently compiled Eterm 0.9.3 under a NetBSD 2.0.2 system, i=20
> > use PT encoding (ISO-8859-1) and accentueted characteres are often used=20
> > mainly when i'm using text-mode editors, irc text-mode clients, and etc.
> >    What is happening, is that Eterm does not accept anyway special char=20
> > like '=E9' or whatever, the Font itself suports, i'm able to copy some=20
> > text with accentueted characters from somewhere, and paste it under=20
> > Eterm and it works, so what is really hapening? things work nice with=20
> > other aplications and terminals like rxvt, xterm and etc.
> >    Can someone tell me what is hapening and if theres a way to correct i=
> > t ?
> Known bug fixed in CVS.

Somebody in #gentoo was having problems with their CPU load shooting
over 90% in Eterm when using an alternate character set and posted the
bug to the E-dev mailing list.  He told me that someone told him that it
was a known problem and left it at that.  Is this the same bug?  If so,
that's great that it is now fixed.  

Have a good day,

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