On Wednesday, 31 August 2005, at 09:44:12 (+0800),
Didier Casse wrote:

> It's the fedora-rpmdevtools. It's suppose to have some nice scripts like:
> fedora-buildrpmtree     Create RPM build tree within user's home directory
> fedora-installdevkeys   Install developer keys in alternate RPM keyring
> fedora-kmodhelper       Helper script for building kernel module RPMs
> fedora-md5              Display the md5sum of all files in an RPM
> fedora-newrpmspec       Creates new .spec from template
> fedora-pkgannfmt        Produce output for fedora-package-announce
> fedora-rmdevelrpms      Find (and optionally remove) "development" RPMs
> fedora-rpmchecksig      Check package signatures using alternate RPM keyrin=
> g
> fedora-rpmvercmp        RPM version comparison checker
> fedora-unrpm            Extract an RPM, "tar xvf" style
> fedora-diffrpm          Diff contents of two RPMs
> fedora-wipebuildtree    Erases all files within dirs created by buildrpmtre=
> e

Most of this stuff is either useless, trivial, or already included in
Mezzanine in a much cleaner form.  :-)

(For what it's worth, the current RPM project leader has complimented
Mezzanine numerous times and has expressed an interest in working
together, so it's not just me tooting my own horn here.)


Michael Jennings (a.k.a. KainX)  http://www.kainx.org/  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
n + 1, Inc., http://www.nplus1.net/       Author, Eterm (www.eterm.org)
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