On 12/2/05, Morten Nilsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

if embrace is the app I think it is, this iswhy I won't even consider
using it;
- have to manually set up which mailboxes to watch.
only frontend needs implementation (and config, but that's super easy)

Right now you have a hardcoded server, username and password. These require a recompile for each mailbox you would want to monitor. This definitely falls into the "manually setting up mailboxes" category. I don't see how you plan to implement config in such a "super easy" way that it's not similar to embrace in the end. The only complicated thing about the embrace config is that it can support multiple monitoring sources, if it were limited to a single source it's the same case you currently have.

I don't really care about pop/mbox/etc .. besides, who uses that crap
these days anyway? ;)

Most people still use POP3 directly or indirectly. ISP's tend to put quota's on their user accounts, so using IMAP is not an option for long. There are also a lot of users that use fetchmail to pull their mail from the server, run it through procmail and then save in mbox format on their local system. With embrace I monitored 3 accounts (IMAP, POP3 and mbox) and 3 mailing list mailboxes and the config was not that difficult.

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