
Over the last few days/weeks there has been several new things added
to E17 within CVS and it's come to our attention by those of us who
are using scripts written by users such as morlenxus that use the
thinktux CVS mirror that it's not the same as SF is.  We have been
told that thinktux gets the updates, but it's not getting all of the
new directories added of new things being added into E itself on the
SF mirror.  I'm kind confused as to what the point is of thinktux if
it's not exactly the same as SF.  What this means is that some users
are getting *all* of E, and some aren't.  How can users successfully
test things, use things, or report bugs or anything of that nature ?

The whole point to adding the thinktux CVS mirror was to help eliviate
some of the problems we were experiencing from SF at the time and to
provide us with a faster CVS mirror.  This mirror was also to be kept
updated regularly, and possibly even faster than SF was to be updated
each day.

I personally switched my scripts and all of E over to thinktux
checkout and have been using it pretty much from day one.  I've just
been told that I'm missing a ton of code since thinktux isn't adding
new directories.  Again, I really don't understand why this road has
been taken, as it seems completely silly.  IMO, both thinktux and SF
should be *exactly* the same.  Everyone understands why it should be
so I won't go into the full details of that.  I'm now having to edit
the script that morlenxus took quite a bit of time to write for us
that used thinktux to make it use SF again.  This also means that I
have to move or delete my e17_cvs directory or things don't check out
correctly without a fresh directory.  What a total pain in the ass I
see this as.  If thinktux isn't going to mirror the SF server exactly,
then just simply do away it once and for all as it's about as useful
as tits on a boar hog IMO.

I really hope someone that's running this thinktux mirror sees this
and takes action immediately to give us the same exact stuff that SF
has so we don't have to go through all of this script editing,
moving/deleting directories, another full checkout and full recompile.
 It's a lot of work for absolutely no reason what so ever.
With kind regards,

Cliff Wade
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