Phuah Yee Keat wrote:
Is it possible to support structures like this in your implementation? Previously the structure for the sessions are as such:

/entrance/session/1/name "Fluxbox"
/entrance/session/1/exec "startfluxbox"
/entrance/session/1/icon "fluxbox.png"
/entrance/session/2/name "kde"
/entrance/session/2/exec "startkde"
/entrance/session/name/1 "Fluxbox"
/entrance/session/exec/1 "startfluxbox"
/entrance/session/icon/1 "fluxbox.png"
/entrance/session/name/2 "kde"
/entrance/session/exec/2 "startkde"

:) I feels that the current mock up way of handling list very nicely done. The only thing which I do not like is the code that is needed to load the "count" variable, determines what is the next index that I need to add, managing lost indexes while deleting entries etc...

the list stuff I'm working on now won't work like that..

EAPI char              **ecore_config_string_list_get(const char *key);

so you would likely do something like..

char **name, **exec, **icon;

name = ecore_config_string_list_get("/entrance/session/name");
exec = ecore_config_string_list_get("/entrance/session/exec");
icon = ecore_config_string_list_get("/entrance/session/icon");

giving each var an array of pointers to strings..

name[0] == "Fluxbox"
exec[0] == "startfluxbox"
icon[0] == "fluxbox.png"
name[n] == null
exec[n] == null
icon[n] == null

these lists are probably more suited for a one-to-one relation, like a path list.. and they might even never see the light of day as-is in my tree..

A different idea is to implement a list as a user-supplied struct.. at this time, I haven't done anything to implement such an option, but I'll be looking at that too when the time is right.. for now, I'm gonna try getting the quirks out of my list code (it's a mess that only barely compiles, and it hasn't been tested in any way yet ;)


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