On Sun, 9 Apr 2006 07:43:37 -0700 (PDT)
Andrei Lahun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >I have just completed a patch which does the same
> thing. >But I do it at 
> >the engine level instead. 
> >This way all fonts which are added get lazily loaded.
> >Not just 
> >fontconfig fonts. 
> Hello.
> I just checked latest evas with your modifications.
> I have only one complain.
> for example my font for fontconfig is "Sans"
> fontconfig will return list of fonts:
> Vera.ttf
> Hugefont1.ttf
> Hugefont2.ttf
> ...
> FontwithJapaneseglyph.ttf
> ...

Thats Right,

 I see what you mean. however, most times fontconfig should be setup in an 
order where the most used fonts are already at the top.  I don't think we 
should reorder the fontconfig fallbacks list. 

 What the plan is instead is to keep a available glyph map for each font 
source. This would allow us to not have to load fonts when performing the glyph 
search. We would still always search glyphs in the fallback order. 

For now if you want to do font unloading please see if you can get it working 
with the way I have things now. Or, if you want to work on another method let 
me know.


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