On Thu, Jun 08, 2006 at 06:44:20AM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>     But we have an issue to settle -- the semantics of scaling 
> images with "borders", as you and I've been discussing :) 
>     Namely, what exactly does this mean? 
>     Here's a question for everyone here on this list: 
>       "What is the result of scaling a *bordered-image* which 
> has a white center and a red border?" 
>     What should the result look like? 

Say we have an image as follows:

  | +--+ |
  | |  | |
  | |  | |
  | +--+ |

where the outer part is a 5px wide red border and the inner part is
If you set evas' image border to 5px all around, and scale up to a
larger size, what *I* would prefer to see is simply:

  | +--------------+ |
  | |              | |
  | |              | |
  | |              | |
  | +--------------+ |

That is, keep the 4 corner regions as they are, scale the side pieces
vertically, scale the top regions horizontally, and scale the inside as

I haven't looked at evas' current code, but I know one thing it does
differently from this is that the scaling takes into account the color
of the pixels closest to the inside of the bottom and right borders
while scaling the center. So, you actually get something like:

  | +--------------+ |
  | |             \| |
  | |             \| |
  | | \ \ \ \ \ \ \| |
  | +--------------+ |

where the \'s are a fade from red to white. I understand this is just a
result of the algorithm used, but I'd definitely prefer to see it done
like above. (Basically scale each of the 9 sections individually and
stick em back together).

But, as I said, I haven't looked at the actual algorithm used currently,
so I don't know if this would be a performance hit to get 'right'.


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