I've been pondering writing this email for some time now.  As others have
mentioned - our community has been trending downwards.  Work from Samsung
aside, and those that use E/EFL through Samsung's work -- The developer and
user base has been getting smaller and smaller.  That is regular members of
the community contributing work and regular members of the community using
E/EFL as an option for their linux desktops/laptops.  The number of
arguments that are now occurring among those of us still left has been
rising.  The current state of the project is such that dissenting
opinions/code are not allowed and get reverted or overruled in discussions,
this likely directly related to our structure and our lack of documented
road maps, goals, and plans.

This project has been around for decades.  Many of our developers have
spent blood sweat and tears adding code to this project and working on it.
Many of our developers have poured just as much code into this project as
the next has.  The project has become so much more than just one person's
vision or one person's opinion.  As it is the project is really not set up
to handle this.  There is no clear decision tree. No clear path for what is
and is not accepted.  No clear direction of what the goal is to
accomplish.  This has been leading to so much animosity, and frankly a
stagnant project that is dwindling instead of growing.  Sure plenty of code
gets written, rewritten, or worked on, but the majority of it is not seen
in the product.  It is working on rewrites for performance, bug fixes for
corner cases, implementing new apis that are not used anywhere, etc...,
etc..., and all of that is fine and necessary, but other very important
work gets left out.  Take Enlightenment from late 2000s - now.  A lot of
work has been done.  Compositing, Wayland, e_widgets -> Elm, etc..., etc...
But in the last say 10 years... You could pull up versions of Enlightenment
and without a technical sense or from someone following the project, you
would think it is the same... Same menus, same settings, same gadgets, same
shelves, same themes, same look, same interface, etc..., etc...  EFL
consistently is worked on and sure is doing really cool new stuff like
Interfaces... but does it matter if no one is even using it? (Samsung
aside).  We have 3 or 4 applications that we have always had and there
seems to be very little growth.  We have people who have decided to fork
off work or go their own route... see Moksha, Fyne, etc... due to problems
within our community or our vision.  This is difficult for a community like
ours to overcome when and if we lose users when we already have few to
begin with.

I believe it is time that we as a community revisit ourselves and consider
restructuring.  Projects can't just be YOLO with no clear laid out
direction or plan.  Community based projects can't succeed in an
environment where there is seemingly no project management and discussions
only happen when a feature or change is pushed and one person overrides
it.  This project needs to have more project management.  Goals need to be
laid out.  Road maps need to be developed.  Release plans need to be
created and adhered to.  This project needs structure, and frankly this
structure needs to come from more than just one person.  There needs to be
a team of project managers who determine whether changes, features, or
proposal are accepted, not only one person.  There needs to be a team of
project managers determining the direction of the project and developing
road maps for it.  This team needs to be represented of our developers, our
corporate interests, and our community user base.  Having a team will keep
from personal bias, desires, or egos getting in the way.  Once we have some
structure in place, it will become much easier for us to band together to
work towards meeting our goals.

As it is - It really feels like if we continue on the path we are on, the
future is not bright at all.  If we treat this project's goals as whatever
meets the desires or ideas of one or two, that is what it will eventually
become - a project used by one or two.  I'm pleading with everyone to put
egos aside, put personal ambitions, personal goals, and related aside and
begin working as a team.  The current climate will improve dramatically if
that happens.

Before you get upset and respond angrily at this email, remember I love
this project and have worked on it for over 15 years and developed
relationships with most of you along the way, and so I am in no way sending
this email with ill intent or to anger or hurt anyone.  I'm sending this
email in hopes that we can only improve as we move forward.

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