On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 1:39 AM, 조재현 <jae_hyun....@samsung.com> wrote:

> Hello. This is Jaehyun Cho.
> This email is to discuss and share opinions about current issues on EFL C#
> language bindings and how to solve the issues.
> Originally I asked questions about EFL C# language bindings to Mr. Felipe
> Magno de Almeida, but anyone can answer or share your opinions.
> Please give your opinions if you may concern.
> Thank you.

Hello Jaehyun Cho,

Could you take a look at https://phab.enlightenment.org/T7204 ? The
questions that then arise (which probably will), could you ask there? I'll
try to make some modifications to C# binding and wanted people to
understand the problems and solutions so we all can decide on the best


> Best Regards,
> Jaehyun Cho.
> --------- *Original Message* ---------
> *Sender* : Xavier Artigas <x.arti...@partner.samsung.com> Contractor/SRA-Open
> Source/삼성전자
> *Date* : 2018-07-23 18:19 (GMT+9)
> *Title* : RE: Re(16) : Some questions on this year's project
> Hi Jaehyun,
> By the way, could we move this discussion to the public EFL mailing list?
> in this way more people could share their insights.
> I am already adding Marcel Hollerbach in the CC.
> Xavi
> --------- *Original Message* ---------
> *Sender* : Xavier Artigas <x.arti...@partner.samsung.com> Contractor/SRA-Open
> Source/삼성전자
> *Date* : 2018-07-23 15:38 (GMT+9)
> *Title* : RE: Re(16) : Some questions on this year's project
> Hi Jaehyun,
> Thanks for including me in this discussion, I am also very interested in
> Felipe's answers.
> I can only answer in regard to 3 (*What if multi class inheritance is not
> allowed in eo*). Current eo files already contain 38 mixins. I could
> study how much work it would be to remove them, but I don't think it will
> be easy.
> Xavi
> --------- *Original Message* ---------
> *Sender* : Jaehyun Cho <jae_hyun....@samsung.com> Engineer/Tizen Platform
> Lab./Samsung Electronics
> *Date* : 2018-07-19 14:37 (GMT+2)
> *Title* : Re(16) : Some questions on this year's project
> *To : *null<fel...@expertisesolutions.com.br>, Jaehyun Cho<
> jae_hyun....@samsung.com>
> *CC : *woohyun jung<wh0705.j...@samsung.com>, JONGMIN LEE<
> jm105....@samsung.com>, Myoung-Woon Roy Kim<myoungwoon....@samsung.com>,
> Hermet Park<chuneon.p...@samsung.com>, Xavier Artigas<x.artigas@partner.
> samsung.com>
> Dear Felipe Magno de Almeida,
> Hello. This is Jaehyun Cho.
> Thank you for replying.
> I have some more questions as follows. Please give us your opinion.
> *1. About user-defined class inheritance*
>  - I followed your instruction and made an example. Aparently, it looks ok.
>    But when I inherit efl.ui.ButtonInherit class, then "ClickedEvt" cannot
> be found in the derived class.
>  class MyButton : efl.ui.ButtonInherit
>  {
>     ...
>  }
>  class Test
>  {
>     public static void Main()
>     {
>        ...
>        MyButton btn = new MyButton(parent);
>        *btn.ClickedEvt += callback;* *// This causes error because
> ClickedEvt cannot be found in MyButton.*
>        ...
>     }
>  }
>  - To use ClickedEvt, the variable needs to be casted to efl.ui.IButton. I
> think this is not a correct way..
> *2. Crash with ClickedEvt callback*
>  - When I register callback function for ClickedEvt, crash happens when
> clicked event happens.
>    (e.g. btn.ClickedEvt += callback;)
> *3. What if multi class inheritance is not allowed in eo?*
>  - As far as I know, the reason, why efl.ui.IButton exists and there is no
> class hierarchy in generated cs files, is because eo allows multi class
> inheritance.
>    What if eo does not allow multi class inheritance?
>    If so, is it possible to generate class hierarchy in cs files without
> efl.ui.IButton and does not need to implement all interface methods?
>    (e.g. In efl_ui_button.eo.cs, efl.ui.IButton does not exist and
> SetSize() method does not need to be implemented because it is implemented
> in efl.ui.Layout.Object.)
> *4. About class only for inheritance*
>  - You mentioned as follows. Could you explain details why we need to
> create new eo class instead of exising widget class (e.g. efl_ui_button)?
>  We need one class for inheritance, which effectively creates a new Eo
> class in Eo
>  virtual call mechanism, and another class for the user to call methods on
> a Eo class.
>  - Hermet and I checked that the difference between Button and
> ButtonInherit constructor is as follows.
>    It seems that the new eo class is the same as efl_ui_button class.
>    What happened if user-defined class inherits efl.ui.Button unless it is
> not sealed class?
>  klass = efl.eo.Globals.register_class(new efl.eo.Globals.class_
> initializer(ButtonNativeInherit.class_initializer), "Button",
> efl_ui_button_class_get());
> Best Regards,
> Jaehyun Cho.

Felipe Magno de Almeida
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