Hello Jonathon.

On 02.01.19 10:38, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a quick question who is taking care of the next release since Stefan 
> has stepped down? I am willing to setup if necessary. Do we have a time line 
> for the next release?

Sorry for the delay. I was on vacation until this week.

A few people offered to help with a release but none stepped up to take
the full lead on the next one. Maybe its easier if I will be part of the
team so I can transfer the knowledge more smoothly instead of dropping

With a team of other willing to work towards regular releases I am ok to
spend some time on working on this as well.

To get time based releases back into our DNA I think that we should get
one out again soon to get into the habit again of doing it. It should
not wait on specific features and we need to thing about the time
between releases after it again (one every 3 months seems to much. Maybe
every 4 or 5 months? we need to discuss this).

I am going to put together a release schedule proposal and sent it to
the list as first step.

In terms of splitting the load I would appreciate it if you could get
yourself familiar with my notes on how I did the releases.


Read through it and try to generate a tarball locally to see if that
works for you. If you find unclear parts feel free to correct the wiki
or ask. More than likely there are parts in it that make sense to me but
nobody else. :-)

The second big step towards a release is to go through all of the issue
report we have open and see if they have categories assigned. Making
sure to mark the important ones as showstopper (but not every pet peave
bug should be listed there).

Once we have this we can talk how to prepare the work items mails I have
been sending out on a regular basis and how people can help with this.

As a sidenote: this would be our last autotools based release. That
means the official release tarballs will be generated with the autotools
build system. In parallel we will work on getting a tarball generated
with meson out to allow packagers and testers to get used to it and
report problems to us. Once 1.22 is out we would go ahead and remove
autotools support from the tree to focus on meson only forward and
reduce the maintenance burden we currently have with two build systems.

Stefan Schmidt

enlightenment-devel mailing list

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