
I would like to modify the API of Evil. The reason i want to do it is
that i do not consider the Windows port stable enough (no CI, too much
build errors appears here and there, DnD API not stable, etc...). And
also, my big mistake is having made Evil a public API (or at least
i've exported too much symbols).

I would like to do the following changes :

1) remove mkstemp : mingw-w64 is currently defining it

2) removing regex implementation : ewpi is adding one implementation
(the one in musllic library) and the one in evil is a very old one

3) removing fnmatch implementation : same as 2), it is provided by musl.

note that would mean, for 2) and 3) aditional work in the build system
(we must then link against libregex.dll on Windows, not a big deal)

I would like to know if this proposal can be accepted

thank you

Vincent Torri

enlightenment-devel mailing list

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