On Mon, 2 Dec 2019 20:58:18 +1030 Simon Lees <sfl...@suse.de> said:

> On 11/28/19 9:54 PM, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> > On Thu, 28 Nov 2019 20:29:49 +1030 Simon Lees <sfl...@suse.de> said:
> > 
> >>
> >>
> >> On 11/28/19 7:55 PM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> >>> On Tue, 26 Nov 2019 11:25:33 +1030 Simon Lees <sfl...@suse.de> said:
> >>>
> >>>> Hi All,
> >>>>
> >>>> I had the following very descriptive error compiling a theme, anyone got
> >>>> ideas on debugging it (i'm already running edje_cc with the -v flag)
> >>>>
> >>>> edje_cc: Wrote      4160 bytes (   4Kb) for "edje/images/1134" image
> >>>> entry "O/icon_file_icons.png" compress: [raw: 74.6%] [real: -4.6%]
> >>>> edje_cc: images: 5.19517
> >>>> edje_cc: Critical. Compiling script code not clean.
> >>>>
> >>>> You can find the theme in question here
> >>>> https://github.com/simotek/Enlightenment-Themes/tree/transient-color
> >>>> (branch is important) running ./build-darkmod.sh will build the theme
> >>>> for you.
> >>>
> >>> It compiles for me (above git repo and script) ... so what is happening
> >>> here is embryo_cc is giving a non-zero exit code. So an error occurred.
> >>> Perhaps it crashed? tracking that is probably the way to go (replace
> >>> embryo_cc with a shell script that calls the real embryo_cc and logs what
> >>> is going in?)
> >>
> >> Did you use the right branch? I've narrowed it down to the following
> > 
> > oh damn yes. i forgot the branch.
> > 
> >> diff (that could be narrowed more, but it might be easy enough to spot
> >> "transient-color" (red) doesn't build "anti-transient-color" (green)
> >> does, the one that doesn't build has some filters to blur backgrounds as
> >> one change that is possibly related.
> >> https://github.com/simotek/Enlightenment-Themes/compare/transient-color...anti-transient-color?expand=1
> > 
> > yargh. heisenbug. it now compiles fine. it was failing. i thew in a
> > embryo_cc wrapper ... it then worked... i removed the wrapper went back to
> > regular embryo_cc ... it also worked.
> > 
> Do you still have a copy of your wrapper? if running it that way once
> fixes it i'll be happy :-)


/usr/local/bin/embryo_cc.real $@
echo "$@" > "$T"
cat "$5" >> "$T"
echo "exitcode: $?" >> "$T"
exit $?

... it was quick and dirty... :)

> > now it works for me. definitely on the right branch:
> > 
> > 11:22AM ~/Enlightenment-Themes 🌱 transient-color 🔥 1   >
> > 
> > (my prompt shows the branch i'm on).
> -- 
> Simon Lees (Simotek)                            http://simotek.net
> Emergency Update Team                           keybase.io/simotek
> SUSE Linux                           Adelaide Australia, UTC+10:30
> GPG Fingerprint: 5B87 DB9D 88DC F606 E489 CEC5 0922 C246 02F0 014B

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
Carsten Haitzler - ras...@rasterman.com

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