On Thu, Jul 14, 2022 at 12:34 AM Jose R R <jose....@metztli.com> wrote:
> Niltze [Hello]-
> On Mon, Jan 3, 2022 at 1:46 PM Boris Faure <bo...@fau.re> wrote:
> >
> > ==========================================================
> >                                         “Oops”
> >                                           Boris Faure
> > ==========================================================
> >
> > Hello fellow Terminology enthusiasts!
> >
> > Yesterday's release was not done correctly.  This is now fixed, as seen
> > in the change log below:
> >
> > == Fixes ==
> >     * Build and install the Default colorscheme
> >     * Correctly set the version
> >
> > == Download ==
> > The tarball can be found at :
> >   - 
> > https://download.enlightenment.org/rel/apps/terminology/terminology-1.12.1.tar.xz
> >   - https://downloads.terminolo.gy/terminology-1.12.1.tar.xz
> >
> > sha256sum:
> >   f8ced9584c2e9ae87452ce7425fd25b2d3e122c7489785d2917890215c6b5aa9
> >
> > Happy compiling! ( https://xkcd.com/303/ )
> > --
> > Boris Faure
> > Pointer Arithmetician
> > _______________________________________________
> > enlightenment-devel mailing list
> > enlightenment-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
> > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/enlightenment-devel
> Using Terminology 1.12.1 . Thank you for your cool app!
> I have a dark background with greyish fonts, i.e., Settings -> Colors
> -> Default (as set in Terminology.)
> Notwithstanding, I think I came across an issue. I use zsh and
> recently have been using the fc built in command extensively.
> fc -l works by listing the previous (default) 15 commands entered, etc..
> Issue is when editing a previous command, say number xyz:
> fc xyz (the vim editor opens up with the numbered command ready to be
> edited; yet all the fonts become black -- the same color as the vim
> editor background, i.e.,  the procedure does not respect the font
> colors set in Terminology). Obviously, the command to be edited
> becomes unreadable. Additionally, typing the ':q' vim command to quit
> the editing mode, the command pasted to the Terminology prompt remains
> in black fonts[!]; accordingly, the user does not know what was the
> command edited/pasted because it is in black fonts.
> I have tested Gnome-Terminal -- zsh -- with black background and white
> fonts and issue with fc editing is not there.
> Heck, I have been extensively using OS/2 Warp 3 with Korn Shell (daddy
> to zsh) -- black background and white fonts -- utilized fc editing and
> issue is not there.
> < https://metztli.blog/ixiptli/os-2-warp3 >

Probably I spoke too soon. I have another instance of Terminology,
same version, running in a Debian Bullseye (the previous one was
Buster) which does not exhibit the fc issue elaborated 'a priori'.
Sorry about that -- I will have to analyze the Buster instance as I am
doing some extensive work there.

Best Professional Regards.

Jose R R
Download Metztli Reiser4: Debian Bullseye w/ Linux 5.16.20 AMD64
feats ZSTD compression https://sf.net/projects/metztli-reiser4/
or SFRN 5.1.3, Metztli Reiser5 https://sf.net/projects/debian-reiser4/
Official current Reiser4 resources: https://reiser4.wiki.kernel.org/

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