On 2.1.2023 13.11, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> So ... Happy new year and what not.
> As a new years resolution... I've decided to be a bit more communicative. I'm
> going to start with this email.
> So things have been a bit quiet lately. I've been busy with buying a house
> (oddly it's my first house I've ever bought) in London. Like most places that
> are not astronomically prices, it needs work. I've been having it get 
> renovated
> and oddly this actually has proven to be an extra full-time job in addition to
> my full time work at Arm, so time for E is preciously small. Bonuses are that
> the work is coming towards the latter end (well it was originally meant to be 
> a
> 10 week project. 24 weeks later and it's still going...). I've been living
> without a proper bathroom and no kitchen now for several months (relying on a
> small shower room) and battling dust and dirt, freezing cold coming through
> open doorways (with no doors), a central heating system that is broken (it
> seems some people have zero clue how to install and commission these). Oddly I
> have gigabit internet with cat6a wired up through the house... no kitchen but
> gigabit networking. I guess I'm officially a nerd. Once things settle I'll 
> have
> more time, but there is so much to do still even when builder do finally leave
> one day...

Heh, you got priorities right!

> Anyway - there is a new year update on what I have been doing and where it is
> now, where it's going etc. and real code to back it up - not just hot air.

As always, thanks for your (and everyone else's) work on efl/e/apps!
Quiet isn't always bad, but here's to an exciting, and hopefully
not-cold year 2023!

-- juiippis

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