El Saturday 22 March 2008 10:24:11 Carsten Haitzler escribió:
> well it already is relative - everything is, BUT it is not repeatably
> relative. i.e. "put this button into this container, add another one, and
> another one, and another... etc." so u have a hbox/vbox kind of setup, or
> for that matter a table etc. etc... designers are actually asking for this
> kind of stuff as a convenience for design, and as such edje would then be
> providing these. designers then being able to control such a box with more
> complex parameters (like parametric scaling of entries based on distance
> from a fixed point in the output, or a selection point etc. would make it
> possible to even do a "osx dock" directly in edje just with fiddling the
> right parameters and math - but this then lets the designer do it, and not
> require a programmer). i guess that's the point of layout stuff in edje. it
> has in fact been there waiting to happen for a long time. edje_container.c
> has been there forever and a day - but just empty stubs... :)

In relation to this I want to say that I inted to apply for something like 
this in this year's Google Summer Of Code.

I have posted a roadmap and description of what I whish to do in my wiki page:

This is a extremely early version, keep in mind that I expect items being 
included, deleted, extended or polished based on the feedback I get during 
this weekend and the next week.

I was not aware of the existence of "edje_container.c" until a few minutes ago 
so I'll take a look now and possibly update my page =)

You can direct any feedback to my wiki talk page, email or you can find me on 
both #e and #edevelop as "dresb". I will try to be logged all the time during 
this weekend and the following week.


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