On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 05:58:24 -0400 Jose Gonzalez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled:

>       Ok, now for a proposed api for evas "vgfx objects" -- a very simple
> one, but general enough to allow for the overwhelming majority of vgfx uses
> (and certainly ones for most 'real-time' use in evas).
>       Again, by evas "vgfx objects" we mean evas objects that can be "filled
> and/or stroked" (eg. lines, rects, polys, paths, ... maybe text) with a color
> or a "texture" (aka: a paint or pattern).

or maybe even more simply: "any primitive uses for svg rendering" might be an
apt goal... :) the important bit is the actual rendering code... and back-end.
once done it can be exported to objects no problem. :)

> (1)  For "filling" of supported objs:
>      *******************************
>   void evas_object_fill_color_set(obj, r,g,b,a);
>   void evas_object_fill_texture_set(obj, Evas_Object *texture_obj);
>       Where 'texture_obj' is restricted to be an image or a gradient obj (no
> others for now). Also, no fill-texturing of an image or grad obj. I think I
> briefly explained the interpretation of this before - ie. image or grad objs
> are really equivalent to a simple rectangle being flled with image or grad
> texture, where the 'texture' part is given by fill geometries and such.. So,
> when these objects are set as texture_objs of vector objs, all general object
> properties are ignored and only the 'fill' properties are used - except that
> the fill geometries' coord system is now taken rel to the textured obj's
> origin.
> (2)  For "stroking" of supported objs:
>      ********************************
>   void evas_object_stroke_color_set(obj, r,g,b,a);
>   void evas_object_stroke_texture_set(obj, Evas_Object *texture_obj);
>       These are similar to above for the fill.
>   void evas_object_stroke_weight_set(obj, Evas_Coord weight);
> (3)  For determining whether to fill and/or stroke supported objects:
>      ***************************************************************
>   void evas_object_draw_mode_set(obj, int draw_mode);
>       Where 'draw_mode' is one of: EVAS_DRAW_STROKE, EVAS_DRAW_FILL, or
>       More api funcs can be added to obtain fuller vgfx support, but this is
> actually a good chunk of it (just need a bit on cap styles, join styles, and
> dashed-stroking, but not much else really that would be reasonable here).
>       It doesn't cover the other proposed desire to change the polygon object
> 'points' api, nor does it cover a possible "path" object api (which I would
> suggest be given in the same manner as that proposed for polys, ie. *set* a
> "path description" which consists of some means of defining the path).
>       Nor does it cover possibly setting (affine) transforms on the vertex-
> geometries that might define such vgfx objects.. leave that for later.
> (4)  Extensions to the current rectangle obj api:
>      *******************************************
>   void evas_object_rectangle_corner_radius_set(obj, float r);
>   void evas_object_rectangle_corner_style_set(obj, int corner_style);
>       Where 'corner_style' can be one of EVAS_CORNER_ROUND or
>   void evas_object_rectangle_corners_set(obj, Evas_Bool tl, Evas_Bool tr,
>                                               Evas_Bool bl, Evas_Bool br);
>       The corners to apply the style to, or leave squared off (default).
>       Rectangles can be filled and/or stroked, but the stroking will be
> defined to increase inward - though one could also add an api for deciding
> whether to have it centered on the rect, or increase inward or outward.

hmm. ok - you havent covered all the vector gfx primitves (polygon, polyline,
line, bezier curve/path, ellipse etc.).

maybe.. just an idea we have a new vgfx object. leave existing objects alone.

Evas_Object *evas_object_vgfx_add(Evas *evas);

and like image objects.. you can set a .svg to be the content... OR you can add
the content yourself? ie add polygons, curves, lines, set what paths clip
what... etc. ?

Evas_Object *evas_objec_vgfx_polygon_add(Evas_Object *vgfx_obj);

hmm. but then why should they have to live within a vgfx obj?

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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