On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 11:09 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I forgot to say, the error I posted is from the "make" command of e17,
> I've the same error compiling e, ewl and etk!
>> Hi
>> I've another problem with ewl, I've installed the library as described here
>> http://wiki.enlightenment.org/index.php/E17_User_Guide/Installing_from_Source_Repository
>> All done.
>> After that I've downloaded the source of EWL and then
>> ./autogeb.sh.... OK
>> make..... Error
>>       make[4]: Entering directory 
>> `/home/matteo/e17_source/e17-svn/data/themes'
>>       /usr/local/bin/edje_cc -v -id ../../data/themes/images -fd
>> ../../data/themes/fonts -DLOWRES_P                    -DHIRES_PDA=3 
>> -DSLOW_PC=4
>> -DMEDIUM_PC=5 -DFAST_PC=6 -                                                  
>>          DE17_PROFILE=SLOW_PC \
>>         ../../data/themes/default.edc \
>>         ../../data/themes/default.edj
>>       /usr/local/bin/edje_cc: error while loading shared libraries:
>> libeina.so.0: cannot open sharefile           or directory
>>       make[4]: *** [default.edj] Error 127
>> I've already installed eina and edje too.
>> There is something that I need? I've installed in the default
>> directory (/usr/local)

Did you run ldconfig ? And is /usr/local/lib in /etc/ld.so.conf ?

Cedric BAIL

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