Wow, that probably will fix my problems, I'll report my experience after a
try. So, as for details on how to create a module, I'm surely not able of
writing anything more advanced than a basic shell script, but I need those
informations anyway, because maybe Dave or Quaker could help me... well, of
course, anyone willing to help me and create the module is of course
welcomed :)

Thanks for now Nick, you're always precious :)


2008/12/11 Nick Hughart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 17:30:59 +0100
> "Luca De Marini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hallo everyone, I need help with a problem I'm facing with my distro
> > (OpenGEU). I ensure you I tried almost everything to solve it before
> > mailing you, not to disturb for trivial problems.
> > Now, since E17 upgraded and started using the wizard module, I'm
> > having a lot of troubles.
> > What I basically need is configuring my system as I please, including
> > number and position of shelves, and including shelves contents,
> > loaded modules, autostarted apps, everything. After I do it, I need
> > to understand which files are storing these configurations. I need to
> > locate them and find a way to have other people load them. The goal
> > is of course to have another system look exactly like mine after the
> > installation of some packages.
> >
> > Now, I tried creating a new OpenGEU cofiguration for wizard, but
> > looks like wizard only need modules configuration files, I cannot
> > find a way to have wizard store shelves position and contents, or
> > autostarted applications, Ibar applications, etc... so, wizard is
> > very limited for my purpose and doesn't look like the proper solution
> > for me.
> >
> > Plus, I have to say that I used to be able to do these kind of tricks
> > with previous versions.. What I did was storing the contents of
> > my .e/e home folder and copying them to another system and E17 looked
> > exactly like mine... this does not happen with the new E. When I copy
> > the contents of my .e folder, even if I store them in a desktop-order
> > file like I did before, when I delete the .e home folder and restart
> > E, my stored configs are not restored. Instead, my very old
> > configurations are partially restored, not including the ibar apps!!
> > So everything looks pretty messed up, I have to manually delete .e
> > and replace it with the one I stored before. Tricky and kinda weird,
> > uhm? Maybe not for you, maybe you do understand what happens here, I
> > hope this is the case :( That's the sole reason why openGEU Intrepid
> > cannot come out :(
> This is probably because you are deleting your .e and then restarting
> E.  E stores the config in RAM and writes it out to disk at certain
> intervals to avoid excessive disk i/o.  So if you delete .e and then
> restart E you will get your config, but you'll have lost all your
> configs for ibar and such.
> >
> > Another note: If I delete the .e folder and restart E, I believed
> > Wizard should start... but this doesn't happen always, it only
> > happens randomly some times... and when it loads my configurations,
> > these configurations does not include the shelves number and
> > position... well, there must be something I don't get, and something
> > which changed.
> Again, you must exit E, then delete .e and then start E again.  You
> cannot delete the .e folder while E is running.  If you were doing a
> ctrl+alt+backspace to restart E then it will be intermittent since E
> may or may not write it's config from the time you delete .e and kill X.
> >
> > Now I need to understand this. How can I reach my goal and where are
> > the E configuration stored when I customize my E. How does E17 know
> > where to place shelves, icons, which apps to autostart and all of
> > this when my computer turns on? Which configurations does it read?
> > Because I can tell it doesn't get everything from my .e home
> > folder... or storing it and restoring it later would of curse solve
> > my problem... it doesn't.
> I suggest making a module for the wizard that sets the configuration
> you want.  The wizard is made to be extensible and you should be able
> to do anything you want with a wizard module.  This includes setting
> configuration data, writing .order files for ibar, etc.  Raster knows
> more about how the wizard works and can probably provide more details.
> >
> > Please help :(
> > Bye,
> >
> > Luca D.M.
> >
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